Open Citizen Science: Metadaten für ‚Die Bauwerke und Denkmäler der Welt‘ | Beitragsvorschlag

ab1630's bookmarks 2021-01-25


"Open Citizen Science: Metadaten für ‚Die Bauwerke und Denkmäler der Welt‘ / Beitragsvorschlag zum Forum Citizen Science 2021 von Jens Bemme (Q56880673), Christian Erlinger (Q67173261) und Matthias Erfurth (Q104817476)..."

Google translate: "Open Citizen Science: Metadata for 'The Buildings and Monuments of the World' / Proposal for the Citizen Science Forum 2021...

'Die Datenlaube' is a Citizen Science project for open cultural data. Since 2008, a growing community has been transcribing 'Die Gartenlaube' in Wikisource, ie a total of around 18,500 articles from the first German mass newspaper from the years 1853 to 1899.

We show by way of example...:

  • Connections of citizen science and maker culture enable new projects in which crowdsourcing strategies and independent research can come together....
  • Open cultural data enable additional reach, visibility, science communication in the sense of “Linked Open Storytelling” and the reusability of results from Citizen Science projects such as #DieDatenlaube..."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » ab1630's bookmarks

Tags: oa.citizen_science oa.metadata oa.lod oa.german

Date tagged:

01/25/2021, 07:10

Date published:

01/25/2021, 02:10