WikidataCon 2021 | Distributed conference | 29-30-31 October 2021

ab1630's bookmarks 2021-06-30


WikidataCon 2021 | Distributed conference | 29-30-31 October 2021

"Save the date! After the first two editions in 2017 and 2019, the WikidataCon is taking place again in October 2021.

The WikidataCon is an event focused on the Wikidata community in a broad sense: editors, tools builders, but also 3rd party reusers, partner organizations that are using or contributing to the data, the ecosystem of organizations working with Wikibase. The content of the conference will have some parts dedicated to people who want to learn more about Wikidata, some workshops and discussions for the community to share skills and exchange about their practices, and some space left to include side events for specific projects (WikiCite, Wikibase, GLAM, etc.).

Important: as the global COVID pandemic is still hitting the world, and the forecast for 2021 doesn’t indicate much improvement, the situation doesn’t allow us to plan a traditional onsite international conference. In 2021, we will not gather all participants in Berlin, and we will avoid any international travel. Instead, we are experimenting with a hybrid format for the conference: most of the content and interactions will take place online, and small, local gatherings will be possible, if the situation allows it...."


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06/30/2021, 04:28

Date published:

06/30/2021, 00:28