CFP: Creators in the Academic Library: Scholarly Communication & Intellectual Property | ACRL | deadline: July 19, 2021
ab1630's bookmarks 2021-07-06
"We are excited to invite chapter proposals for our forthcoming ACRL book, Creators in the Academic Library, with an anticipated publication date of Spring 2023. ...This edited volume will present chapters informed by the unique information needs of creators across many disciplines. These studies will demonstrate ways that academic librarians can implement services for creative practitioners in areas such as: service design, outreach, library spaces, collection building, and information literacy. By better understanding the creator community, librarians can develop more relevant and meaningful services and more powerfully connect with these students....
Scholarly Communication & Intellectual Property for Creators
Students in practitioner fields must understand how rights and responsibilities change from being a student, once they enter the professional world. In the academic context, plagiarism and citation are the most commonly explored aspects of giving credit, but these practices change in the professional world. As well, practitioner students will have to understand how intellectual property works in creator fields, and will grapple with fair use, copyright patents, trademarks and trade secrets. For those establishing fluency in both the academic and commercial realms, they must make complex decisions around open access and the value of intellectual property in a commercial contex. They may also face questions of the value of often undervalued work. This section will include case studies that introduce intellectual property and concepts to creator students. ..."
due July 19, 2021