Publiekdomeintool | Meemoo
ab1630's bookmarks 2021-08-08
Google translate: "Public domain tool
The Public Domain Tool helps you determine the copyright status of your collection items.
Why? Determining the copyright status of collection items is a time-intensive task if you tackle them one by one. Information is often known that can help to partly automate that process. Think, for example, of the creation date or the year of death of the manufacturer. By combining your own data with data in Wikidata, the Public Domain Tool makes manual work easier. You get a quicker view of the copyright status of (part of) your collection. ...
For whom? The Public Domain Tool is primarily intended for managers of various heritage collections. The starting point for use is a CSV export of that part of your collection whose copyright status you want to determine.
Meemoo, the Flemish Institute for the Archives, developed this tool in 2020 on behalf of the CJM Department, in the context of the strategic vision paper A Flemish cultural policy in the digital age. Core Crew was responsible for the technical development and copyclear helped us on Wikidata to improve data on the copyright status of manufacturers from Flemish collections using bots...."