Open access - Appropedia: The sustainability wiki

ab1630's bookmarks 2021-08-25


"Open access materials can be viewed for free, but generally have other restrictions - for example no commercial use, no derivations, and (in some cases) no unauthorized distribution. The degree of "openness" can be star-rated according to meeting, or not, the four key criteria: there is no barrier to access for the reader, there is no fee demanded of the author/s, the copyright is nor forfeited by the author/s, and the work can be freely distributed[1].

Thus if material is simply open access, it is not true open content and generally cannot be used on projects such as Appropedia, OLPC content bundles, or Wikipedia...."



08/25/2021, 01:33

From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป ab1630's bookmarks


oa.definitions oa.misunderstandings oa.terminology

Date tagged:

08/25/2021, 05:33

Date published:

08/25/2007, 01:33