Developing scholarly communication competencies: How a post-master’s degree residency program can provide career preparation | Tavernier | College & Research Libraries News
ab1630's bookmarks 2021-10-02
Developing scholarly communication competencies: How a post-master’s degree residency program can provide career preparation
by Willa Tavernier
Vol 82, No 4 (2021) April
"...During the final semester of my MLIS, IU-Bloomington advertised its inaugural diversity residency for an open scholarship librarian—the position which I now hold. This three-year residency based in the Scholarly Communication Department, is collaboratively funded by the library and the university. Over the first two years of my residency, I have developed competency in institutional repository management and publishing services, assessment and impact metrics, and outreach and instruction. A high level of institutional support, the length of the residency, and the agency I had in developing projects, together with substantial professional development funding and mentorship, were key contributors to developing these competencies...."