NOVA FCSH celebra Mês da Ciência Aberta 2021 em outubro
ab1630's bookmarks 2021-10-11
Google translate: "Open Science Month takes place in October, an initiative promoted by the NOVA FCSH's Open Science Working Group, with several debates, workshops, webinars and dissemination initiatives. This initiative is part of the global celebration of the International Open Access Week, organized annually by SPARC. This year, the International Open Access Week (25 to 31 October) has the theme “It matters how we open up knowledge: Building structural equity”, and the NOVA FCSH Working Group will launch during this month the campaign “Open Science for All". ...
The Open Science Month at NOVA FCSH consists of sessions that will always be held online, mainly through the ZOOM platform. The complete program can be found below, as well as the links for registration in the respective sessions:
Webinar “Editorial quality and visibility of the magazines: the Latindex experience October 11, 2pm-3pm, Colibri Platform / ZOOM..."