From toll roads to highways: How the OA Switchboard is building the infrastructure for an OA-driven scholarly communications landscape | 9 November 2021 | Open Publishing Fest

ab1630's bookmarks 2021-11-13


NOVEMBER 09, 2021, 8:00 PM UTC

From toll roads to highways: How the OA Switchboard is building the infrastructure for an OA-driven scholarly communications landscape

"DISCUSSION event - OA Switchboard is a mission-driven, practical solution that thrives on collaboration. We want the research ecosystem to work better for everyone, such that Open Access is supported as the predominant model of publication. The tool we provide is a central information exchange hub (connecting parties and systems, streamlining the neutral exchange of OA related publication-level information), that stakeholders operationalise in their workflows and systems. We are running it as an industry-collaborative initiative, and financial resources are limited. Yet, we're committed to a self-sustaining, not-for-profit, business model. This event will reflect on our journey from idea (2018) to being operational (2021). We'll present our principles and POSI self-assessment, cover tough choices and will share pragmatic solutions. We're happy to share our experiences and enter into discussion with the participants...."


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Tags: oa.scholcomm oa.publishing oa.oa_switchboard oa.infrastructure

Date tagged:

11/13/2021, 04:25

Date published:

11/12/2021, 23:25