Open Source Publishing Tools in Wikidata | 16 November 2021 | Open Publishing Fest

ab1630's bookmarks 2021-11-13


NOVEMBER 16, 2021, 1:00 PM UTC

Open Source Publishing Tools in Wikidata. Discussion moderated by Anne Britton.

"There are many tools and systems that enable open publishing. Given its evolving and sometimes fragmented nature, this domain can be challenging to identify, track, and study. Wikidata, one of the sister projects of Wikipedia, may offer a solution. Wikidata is editable by anyone, multilingual, and licensed to the public domain. It could serve as an inclusive, dynamic, collectively curated registry of basic facts about open publishing tools. Join us for a demonstration and discussion. We will explore questions such as: (1) Which digital tools do you use for publishing-related activities? (2) Does Wikidata accurately describe your use of a particular tool? (3) Does Wikidata accurately describe the technology of a particular tool? This session is inspired by studies such as the 2019 "Mind the Gap: A Landscape Analysis of Open Source Publishing Tools and Platforms" by John Maxwell et al. ("



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Tags: oa.publishing oa.wikidata oa.floss oa.slides

Date tagged:

11/13/2021, 04:41

Date published:

11/12/2021, 23:41