Improving Community Funding and Workflows for Scholar-led Journals and Blogs | poster | Open Science Conference 2022

ab1630's bookmarks 2022-01-16


Open Science Conference 2022 poster: "Improving Community Funding and Workflows for Scholar-led Journals and Blogs Marcel Wrzesinski 1, Philipp Hess 2 Organization(s): 1: Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society; 2: Knowledge Unlatched The poster deals with the funding of scholar-led journals. This is very relevant since scholar-led journals can be considered as an additional pillar to raise the share of Open Access articles and provide publication infrastructure for those who are neither able  nor willing to afford high APCs. Initiative such as „Stop tracking science“ see them also as one means to diminish the influence of the big publishers. It is a very important effort to put scientific publishing in the hands and responsibility of academic communities...." part of: The Open Science Conference 2022, the 9th international conference of the Leibniz Research Alliance Open Science Poster Presentations 2022


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Tags: oa.funding oa.journals oa.academic_led

Date tagged:

01/16/2022, 06:22

Date published:

01/16/2022, 01:22