An online tool to determine Plan S aligned publishing venues: an invitation to tender.
djpadula5's bookmarks 2020-02-07
cOAlition S members are seeking to procure a “journal checker tool” to enable their researchers to identify publishing venues which offer a route to comply with the Plan S Principles. We envision a simple web interface that will provide an author with concise information regarding their ability to publish in a journal while complying with Plan S.
The user should be able to type in the name of their preferred journal, pick their institution, choose their funder, and easily see if that journal enables compliance with their funder’s OA policy and if so, via which route.
The focus of the tool is to provide an answer as to whether the journal:
• Offers a route to compliance, as set out in the Implementation Guidance of Plan S
• Offers a CC BY option to all researchers working under a Plan S policy
• Allows the author to retain copyright
Link: feeds:
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarksOpen Access Tracking Project (OATP) » leo_waaijers's bookmarks