Are journal archiving and embargo policies impeding the success of India's open access policy? - Koley - - Learned Publishing - Wiley Online Library
djpadula5's bookmarks 2022-01-06
Abstract: India's primary science funding agencies, the Department of Science & Technology, and the Department of Biotechnology (DST & DBT) together formulated an open access (OA) policy in 2014. This policy mandates immediate self-archival of research articles generated from publicly funded research across all the institutions in suitable repositories. But with inadequate infrastructure and awareness, the OA mandate did not flourish as expected. This paper aims to understand whether journal policies impede the prospect of DST-DBT OA policy and the possible routes to achieve policy compliance. The analysis presented in this paper tracks down the journal self-archiving policies of the top 50 popular journals (among Indian authors) from each of the six STEM fields—Biology, Chemistry, Clinical-Medicine, Engineering, Materials science, and Physics. The results show that most journals have an embargo of 12–24 months on self-archiving of the post-print (final author version after peer-review), which contradicts the DST-DBT OA mandate. The study also reveals that hybrid journals dominate, and article processing charges craft a new form of inequity for Indian STEM researchers. We expect that these findings will be helpful for the funding agencies to restructure their policies, and negotiate with journal publishers to resolve the contradictions.
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