Polymath15, first thread: computing H_t, asymptotics, and dynamics of zeroes
What's new 2018-03-10
This is the first official “research” thread of the Polymath15 project to upper bound the de Bruijn-Newman constant . Discussion of the project of a non-research nature can continue for now in the existing proposal thread. Progress will be summarised at this Polymath wiki page.
The proposal naturally splits into at least three separate (but loosely related) topics:
- Numerical computation of the entire functions
, with the ultimate aim of establishing zero-free regions of the form
for various
- Improved understanding of the dynamics of the zeroes
- Establishing the zero-free nature of
is sufficiently large depending on
Below the fold, I will present each of these topics in turn, to initiate further discussion in each of them. (I thought about splitting this post into three to have three separate discussions, but given the current volume of comments, I think we should be able to manage for now having all the comments in a single post. If this changes then of course we can split up some of the discussion later.)
To begin with, let me present some formulae for computing (inspired by similar computations in the Ki-Kim-Lee paper) which may be useful. The initial definition of
is a variant of the Jacobi theta function. We observe that in fact extends analytically to the strip
as has positive real part on this strip. One can use the Poisson summation formula to verify that
is even,
(see this previous post for details). This lets us obtain a number of other formulae for
. Most obviously, one can unfold the integral to obtain
In my previous paper with Brad, we used this representation, combined with Fubini’s theorem to swap the sum and integral, to obtain a useful series representation for in the
case because expressions such as
diverge as
. Nevertheless we can still perform the following contour integration manipulation. Let
be fixed. The function
decays super-exponentially fast (much faster than
, in particular) as
; as
is even, we also have this decay as
(this is despite each of the summands in
having much slower decay in this direction – there is considerable cancellation!). Hence by the Cauchy integral formula we have
Splitting the horizontal line from to
and using the even nature of
, we thus have
Using the functional equation , we thus have the representation
where is the oscillatory integral
The formula (2) is valid for any . Naively one would think that it would be simplest to take
; however, when
is large (with
bounded), it seems asymptotically better to take
closer to
, in particular something like
seems to be a reasonably good choice. This is because the integrand in (3) becomes significantly less oscillatory and also much lower in amplitude; the
term in (3) now generates a factor roughly comparable to
(which, as we will see below, is the main term in the decay asymptotics for
), while the
term still exhibits a reasonable amount of decay as
. We will use the representation (2) in the asymptotic analysis of
below, but it may also be a useful representation to use for numerical purposes.
— 1. Numerical investigation of —
Python and Matlab code to compute for medium-sized values of
are now available in the Polymath15 github repository. It is expected that all the zeroes of these functions for
are real (this is equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis). For
is zero precisely when
is a non-trivial zero of the Riemann zeta function, so the first few zeroes of
occur at approximately
As increases, we have observed that the zeroes drift slightly to the left. This is consistent with theory, for instance the number
of zeroes of
of real part between
is known to be asymptotically
so as increases we should expect a few more zeroes in this region. (I had incorrectly omitted the
denominator in a previous version of (4).) It seems like a reasonable near-term aim to improve the numerics to the point where we can confirm this asymptotic.
A related theoretical result is that the gaps between zeroes should behave locally like an arithmetic progression for large
, in the sense that
This would also be nice to confirm numerically.
Theory also gives that the functions decay roughly like
; see later sections for more precise asymptotics. To see this decay numerically for large
, it may be necessary to switch over to a representation such as (2) with
close to
, otherwise the effect of numerical roundoff error may become unmanageably large.
— 2. Dynamics of zeroes —
Let denote the zeroes of
. For sake of discussion let us suppose that the zeroes are always simple (this is in fact predicted by theory assuming RH; see Corollary 2 of Csordas-Smith-Varga. It may in fact be possible to prove this claim unconditionally, but we may not need this claim for the present project). If we implicitly differentiate the equation
in time, we (formally, at least) obtain the equation
The functions obey the backwards heat equation
and thus we have
If we Taylor expand around the zero
for some coefficients with
non-zero (because we are assuming the zeroes to be simple) then we have after a brief calculation
and also
On the other hand, from Weierstrass factorisation we expect (formally at least) that
and thus we should have
Putting all this together, we should obtain the dynamics
This is not rigorous for a number of reasons, most notably that the sum here is not absolutely convergent, but these equations should hold in a principal value sense at least. In the regime this was established in Lemma 2.4 of Csordas-Smith-Varga; it may be possible to establish this in the entire region
If we write , we obtain the dynamics
Informally, the real parts repel each other, while the imaginary parts attract each other. In particular, once a zero is real, it should stay real.
If a zero is not real, then it has a complex conjugate
. Isolating the attraction that the imaginary part
feels to its complex conjugate
, we obtain
Suppose that is a zero with maximal imaginary part
(it is a result of Ki, Kim, and Lee that there are only finitely many non-real zeroes for
). Then all the summands in (7) are non-positive, hence we have the differential inequality
Hence if denotes the maximal imaginary part of a zero of
, we (formally, at least) have
or equivalently
whenever is positive. Thus the zeroes will be forced into the real axis in finite time, and in fact we can establish the bound
from this reasoning (this is a result of de Bruijn).
One could presumably do better by a more careful analysis of the sum in (7). The only way it seems that the inequality could be close to sharp is if the offending non-real zero is somehow isolated far away from all other zeroes except for its complex conjugate
. For large
, this is presumably in contradiction with the asymptotics (4); for small
, perhaps one could use numerics to exclude this possibility?
At time , we know that the first
zeroes are real (a result of Gourdon). Thus any non-real zero will initially have a very large value of
. It would be nice to somehow be able to say that these zeroes continue to have very large real part for positive values of
as well, but unfortunately the velocity in (5) could be large and negative if the zero is just to the left of another zero that is repelling it towards the origin. Is there some way to stop this? One may have to work with “clusters” of zeroes and study their centre of mass (or some similar statistic) as this may behave in a better way than an individual position function
. Perhaps some of the identities in this previous post could be adapted for this purpose?
— 3. Asymptotics of —
Standard calculations give the gaussian integral identity
whenever are complex numbers with
, where we integrate along a horizontal contour such as
and we use the standard branch of the complex logarithm. More generally, Laplace’s method suggests that one has the approximation
whenever is an oscillating phase that has a single stationary point
) and
is a slowly varying amplitude, and the integral is along a contour that does not start or end too close to
. (Here one uses the standard branch of the square root function.) There are several ways to make this approximation rigorous, such as the method of steepest descent, the saddle point method, or the method of stationary phase, but for this discussion let us work completely informally. One can apply this method to analyse the integrals (3). For the highest accuracy, one should use the phase
; this is the approach taken for instance in my paper with Brad (in the
case), but has the drawback that the stationary point
has to be defined using the Lambert
-function. A more “quick and dirty” approach, which seems to give worse error bounds but still gives broadly correct qualitative conclusions, is only take the phase
and treat the factor
as an amplitude. In this case, the stationary point occurs at
(where we use the branch of the logarithm that makes lie in the strip (1)), with
This suggests that we have the approximation
(I think that in order for this approximation to be rigorous, one needs to take to be close to the imaginary part of
, in particular close to
.) Now, from (2) one has
Here we consider the regime where is large and
is positive but fairly small. Let’s just look at the term
Taking and
, we approximately have
and so (after some calculation, and dropping terms of size ) we have the somewhat crude approximation
In particular, we expect the magnitude to behave like
Similarly for the other three expressions that appear in (9). If
is large, this suggests that the
terms in (9) dominate, and furthermore of the four terms, it is the third term which dominates the other three. Thus we expect to have
Dividing the phase by
and using the argument principle, we now see where the asymptotic (4) is supposed to come from. Taking magnitudes we also expect
in particular should be non-zero for fixed
and large
Hopefully we will be able to make these asymptotics more precise, and also they can be confirmed by numerics (in particular there may be some sign errors or other numerical inaccuracies in my calculations above which numerics might be able to detect).