Course announcement: 246C, complex analysis
What's new 2018-03-13
Next quarter (starting Monday, April 2) I will be teaching Math 246C (complex analysis) here at UCLA. This is the third in a three-series graduate course on complex analysis; a few years ago I taught the first course in this series (246A), so this course can be thought of in some sense as a sequel to that one (and would certainly assume knowledge of the material in that course as a prerequisite), although it also assumes knowledge of material from the second course 246B (which covers such topics as Weierstrass factorization and the theory of harmonic functions).
246C is primarily a topics course, and tends to be a somewhat miscellaneous collection of complex analysis subjects that were not covered in the previous two installments of the series. The initial topics I have in mind to cover are
- Elliptic functions;
- The Riemann-Roch theorem;
- Circle packings;
- The Bieberbach conjecture (proven by de Branges); and
- the Schramm-Loewner equation (SLE).
- This list is however subject to change (it is the first time I will have taught on any of these topics, and I am not yet certain on the most logical way to arrange them; also I am not completely certain that I will be able to cover all the above topics in ten weeks). I welcome reference recommendations and other suggestions from readers who have taught on one or more of these topics.
As usual, I will be posting lecture notes on this blog as the course progresses.
[Update: Mar 13: removed elliptic functions, as I have just learned that this was already covered in the prior 246B course.]