246C notes 2: Circle packings, conformal maps, and quasiconformal maps
What's new 2018-04-12
We now leave the topic of Riemann surfaces, and turn now to the (loosely related) topic of conformal mapping (and quasiconformal mapping). Recall that a conformal map from an open subset
of the complex plane to another open set
is a map that is holomorphic and bijective, which (by Rouché’s theorem) also forces the derivative of
to be nowhere vanishing. We then say that the two open sets
are conformally equivalent. From the Cauchy-Riemann equations we see that conformal maps are orientation-preserving and angle-preserving; from the Newton approximation
we see that they almost preserve small circles, indeed for
small the circle
will approximately map to
In previous quarters, we proved a fundamental theorem about this concept, the Riemann mapping theorem:
Theorem 1 (Riemann mapping theorem) Let
be a simply connected open subset of
that is not all of
. Then
is conformally equivalent to the unit disk
This theorem was proven in these 246A lecture notes, using an argument of Koebe. At a very high level, one can sketch Koebe’s proof of the Riemann mapping theorem as follows: among all the injective holomorphic maps from
that map some fixed point
, pick one that maximises the magnitude
of the derivative (ignoring for this discussion the issue of proving that a maximiser exists). If
avoids some point in
, one can compose
with various holomorphic maps and use Schwarz’s lemma and the chain rule to increase
without destroying injectivity; see the previous lecture notes for details. The conformal map
is unique up to Möbius automorphisms of the disk; one can fix the map by picking two distinct points
, and requiring
to be zero and
to be positive real.
It is a beautiful observation of Thurston that the concept of a conformal mapping has a discrete counterpart, namely the mapping of one circle packing to another. Furthermore, one can run a version of Koebe’s argument (using now a discrete version of Perron’s method) to prove the Riemann mapping theorem through circle packings. In principle, this leads to a mostly elementary approach to conformal geometry, based on extremely classical mathematics that goes all the way back to Apollonius. However, in order to prove the basic existence and uniqueness theorems of circle packing, as well as the convergence to conformal maps in the continuous limit, it seems to be necessary (or at least highly convenient) to use much more modern machinery, including the theory of quasiconformal mapping, and also the Riemann mapping theorem itself (so in particular we are not structuring these notes to provide a completely independent proof of that theorem, though this may well be possible).
To make the above discussion more precise we need some notation.
Definition 2 (Circle packing) A (finite) circle packing is a finite collection
of circles
in the complex numbers indexed by some finite set
, whose interiors are all disjoint (but which are allowed to be tangent to each other), and whose union is connected. The nerve of a circle packing is the finite graph whose vertices
are the centres of the circle packing, with two such centres connected by an edge if the circles are tangent. (In these notes all graphs are undirected, finite and simple, unless otherwise specified.)
It is clear that the nerve of a circle packing is connected and planar, since one can draw the nerve by placing each vertex (tautologically) in its location in the complex plane, and drawing each edge by the line segment between the centres of the circles it connects (this line segment will pass through the point of tangency of the two circles). Later in these notes we will also have to consider some infinite circle packings, most notably the infinite regular hexagonal circle packing.
The first basic theorem in the subject is the following converse statement:
Theorem 3 (Circle packing theorem) Every connected planar graph is the nerve of a circle packing.
Of course, there can be multiple circle packings associated to a given connected planar graph; indeed, since reflections across a line and Möbius transformations map circles to circles (or lines), they will map circle packings to circle packings (unless one or more of the circles is sent to a line). It turns out that once one adds enough edges to the planar graph, the circle packing is otherwise rigid:
Theorem 4 (Koebe-Andreev-Thurston theorem) If a connected planar graph is maximal (i.e., no further edge can be added to it without destroying planarity), then the circle packing given by the above theorem is unique up to reflections and Möbius transformations.
Exercise 5 Let
be a connected planar graph with
vertices. Show that the following are equivalent:
- (i)
is a maximal planar graph.
- (ii)
- (iii) Every drawing
divides the plane into faces that have three edges each. (This includes one unbounded face.)
- (iv) At least one drawing
divides the plane into faces that have three edges each.
(Hint: use Euler’s formula
, where
is the number of faces including the unbounded face.)
Thurston conjectured that circle packings can be used to approximate the conformal map arising in the Riemann mapping theorem. Here is an informal statement:
Conjecture 6 (Informal Thurston conjecture) Let
be a simply connected domain, with two distinct points
. Let
be the conformal map from
that maps
to the origin and
to a positive real. For any small
, let
be the portion of the regular hexagonal circle packing by circles of radius
that are contained in
, and let
be an circle packing of
with all “boundary circles” tangent to
, giving rise to an “approximate map”
defined on the subset
consisting of the circles of
, their interiors, and the interstitial regions between triples of mutually tangent circles. Normalise this map so that
is zero and
is a positive real. Then
converges to
A rigorous version of this conjecture was proven by Rodin and Sullivan. Besides some elementary geometric lemmas (regarding the relative sizes of various configurations of tangent circles), the main ingredients are a rigidity result for the regular hexagonal circle packing, and the theory of quasiconformal maps. Quasiconformal maps are what seem on the surface to be a very broad generalisation of the notion of a conformal map. Informally, conformal maps take infinitesimal circles to infinitesimal circles, whereas quasiconformal maps take infinitesimal circles to infinitesimal ellipses of bounded eccentricity. In terms of Wirtinger derivatives, conformal maps obey the Cauchy-Riemann equation , while (sufficiently smooth) quasiconformal maps only obey an inequality
. As such, quasiconformal maps are considerably more plentiful than conformal maps, and in particular it is possible to create piecewise smooth quasiconformal maps by gluing together various simple maps such as affine maps or Möbius transformations; such piecewise maps will naturally arise when trying to rigorously build the map
alluded to in the above conjecture. On the other hand, it turns out that quasiconformal maps still have many vestiges of the rigidity properties enjoyed by conformal maps; for instance, there are quasiconformal analogues of fundamental theorems in conformal mapping such as the Schwarz reflection principle, Liouville’s theorem, or Hurwitz’s theorem. Among other things, these quasiconformal rigidity theorems allow one to create conformal maps from the limit of quasiconformal maps in many circumstances, and this will be how the Thurston conjecture will be proven. A key technical tool in establishing these sorts of rigidity theorems will be the theory of an important quasiconformal (quasi-)invariant, the conformal modulus (or, equivalently, the extremal length, which is the reciprocal of the modulus).
— 1. Proof of the circle packing theorem —
We loosely follow the treatment of Beardon and Stephenson. It is slightly more convenient to work in the Riemann sphere rather than the complex plane
, in order to more easily use Möbius transformations. Define a Riemann sphere circle to be either a circle in
or a line in
together with
, together with one of the two components of the complement of this circle or line designated as the “interior”. In the case of a line, this is just one of the two half-planes on either side of the line; in the case of the circle, this is either the usual interior or the usual exterior plus the point at infinity; in the last case, we refer to the Riemann sphere circle as an exterior circle. Note that Möbius transforms map Riemann sphere circles to Riemann sphere circles. We can then define a Riemann sphere circle packing in exact analogy with circle packings in
, namely finite collections of Riemann sphere circles whose interiors are disjoint and whose union is connected; we also define the nerve as before (using great circle arcs in the Riemann sphere rather than line segments). This is now a graph that can be drawn in the Riemann sphere (and is also planar, since one can apply a Möbius transformation to move all the points and edges of the drawing away from infinity).
By Exercise 5, a maximal planar graph with at least three vertices can be drawn as a triangulation of the Riemann sphere. If there are at least four vertices, then it is easy to see that each vertex has degree at least three (a vertex of degree zero, one or two in a triangulation with simple edges will lead to a connected component of at most three vertices). It is not difficult to see that any two triangulations of such a graph are homotopic up to reflection (to reverse the orientation). If a Riemann sphere circle packing has the nerve of a maximal planar graph of at least four vertices, then we see that this nerve gives an explicit triangulation of the Riemann sphere by connecting the centres of any pair of tangent circles with the great circle arc that passes through the point of tangency. If
was not maximal, one no longer gets a triangulation this way, but one still obtains a partition of the Riemann sphere into spherical polygons.
Theorems 3, 4 are then a consequence of
Theorem 7 (Riemann sphere circle packing theorem) Let
be a maximal planar graph with at least four vertices, drawn as a triangulation of the Riemann sphere. Then there exists a Riemann sphere circle packing with nerve
whose triangulation is homotopic to the given triangulation. Furthermore, this packing is unique up to Möbius transformations.
Exercise 9 Verify Theorem 7 when
has exactly four vertices. (Hint: for the uniqueness, one can use Möbius transformations to move two of the circles to become parallel lines.)
To prove this theorem, we will make a reduction with regards to the existence component of Theorem 7. For technical reasons we will need to introduce a notion of non-degeneracy. Let be a maximal planar graph with at least four vertices, and let
be a vertex in
. As discussed above, the degree
is at least three. Writing the neighbours of
in clockwise or counterclockwise order (with respect to a triangulation) as
(starting from some arbitrary neighbour), we see that each
is adjacent to
(with the conventions
). We say that
is non-degenerate if there are no further adjacencies between the
, and if there is at least one further vertex in
. Here is another characterisation:
Exercise 10 Let
be a maximal planar graph with at most four vertices, let
be a vertex in
, and let
be the neighbours of
. Show that the following are equivalent:
- (i)
is non-degenerate.
- (ii) The graph
is connected and non-empty, and every vertex in
is adjacent to at least one vertex in
We will then derive Theorem 7 from
Theorem 11 (Inductive step) Let
be a maximal planar graph with at least four vertices
, drawn as a triangulation of the Riemann sphere. Let
be a non-degenerate vertex of
, and let
be the graph formed by deleting
(and edges emenating from
) from
. Suppose that there exists a Riemann sphere circle packing
whose nerve is
, and whose associated subdivision of the Riemann sphere into spherical polygons is homotopic to the given triangulation with
removed. Then there is a Riemann sphere circle packing
with nerve
whose triangulation is homotopic to the given triangulation. Furthermore this circle packing
is unique up to Möbius transformations.
Let us now see how Theorem 7 follows from Theorem 14. Fix as in Theorem 7. By Exercise 9 and induction we may assume that
has at least five vertices, and that the claim has been proven for any smaller number of vertices.
First suppose that contains a non-degenerate vertex
. Let
be the the neighbours of
. One can then form a new graph
with one fewer vertex by deleting
, and then connecting
(one can think of this operation as contracting the edge
to a point). One can check that this is still a maximal planar graph that can triangulate the Riemann sphere in a fashion compatible with the original triangulation of
(in that all the common vertices, edges, and faces are unchanged). By induction hypothesis,
is the nerve of a circle packing that is compatible with this triangulation, and hence the same is true for
(which is the same graph with some edges removed). Applying Theorem 14, we then obtain the required claim for
Now suppose that contains a degenerate vertex
. Let
be the neighbours of
traversed in order. By hypothesis, there is an additional adjacency between the
; by relabeling we may assume that
is adjacent to
for some
. The vertices
can then be partitioned as
where denotes those vertices in
that lie in the region enclosed by the loop
that does not contain
, and
denotes those vertices in
that lie in the region enclosed by the loop
that does not contain
. One can then form two graphs
, formed by restricting
to the vertices
respectively; furthermore, these graphs are also maximal planar (with triangulations that are compatible with those of
). By induction hypothesis, we can find a circle packing
with nerve
, and a circle packing
with nerve
. Note that the circles
are mutually tangent, as are
. By applying a Möbius transformation one may assume that these circles agree, thus (cf. Exercise 9)
. The complement of the these three circles (and their interiors) determine two connected “interstitial” regions (that are in the shape of an arbelos, up to Möbius transformation); one can check that the remaining circles in
will lie in one of these regions, and the remaining circles in
lie in the other. Hence one can glue these circle packings together to form a single circle packing with nerve
, which is homotopic to the given triangulation. Also, since a Möbius transformation that fixes three mutually tangent circles has to be the identity, the uniqueness of this circle packing up to Möbius transformations follows from the uniqueness for the two component circle packings
It remains to prove Theorem 7. To help fix the freedom to apply Möbius transformations, we can normalise the target circle packing so that
is the exterior circle
, thus all the other circles
in the packing will lie in the closed unit disk
. Similarly, by applying a suitable Möbius transformation one can assume that
lies outside of the interior of all the circles
in the original packing, and after a scaling one may then assume that all the circles
lie in the unit disk
At this point it becomes convenient to switch from the “elliptic” conformal geometry of the Riemann sphere to the “hyperbolic” conformal geometry of the unit disk
. Recall that the Möbius transformations that preserve the disk
are given by the maps
for real and
(see Theorem 19 of these notes). It comes with a natural metric that interacts well with circles:
Exercise 12 Define the Poincaré distance
between two points of
by the formula
Given a measurable subset
, define the hyperbolic area of
to be the quantity
is the Euclidean area element on
- (i) Show that the Poincaré distance is invariant with respect to Möbius automorphisms of
, thus
is a transformation of the form (1). Similarly show that the hyperbolic area is invariant with respect to such transformations.
- (ii) Show that the Poincaré distance defines a metric on
. Furthermore, show that any two distinct points
are connected by a unique geodesic, which is a portion of either a line or a circle that meets the unit circle orthogonally at two points. (Hint: use the symmetries of (i) to normalise the points one is studying.)
- (iii) If
is a circle in the interior of
, show that there exists a point
and a positive real number
(which we call the hyperbolic center and hyperbolic radius respectively) such that
. (In general, the hyperbolic center and radius will not quite agree with their familiar Euclidean counterparts.) Conversely, show that for any
, the set
is a circle in
- (iv) If two circles
are externally tangent, show that the geodesic connecting the hyperbolic centers
passes through the point of tangency, orthogonally to the two tangent circles.
Exercise 13 (Schwarz-Pick theorem) Let
be a holomorphic map. Show that
for all
. If
, show that equality occurs if and only if
is a Möbius automorphism (1) of
. (This result is known as the Schwarz-Pick theorem.)
We will refer to circles that lie in the closure of the unit disk as hyperbolic circles. These can be divided into the finite radius hyperbolic circles, which lie in the interior of the unit disk (as per part (iii) of the above exercise), and the horocycles, which are internally tangent to the unit circle. By convention, we view horocycles as having infinite radius, and having center at their point of tangency to the unit circle; they can be viewed as the limiting case of finite radius hyperbolic circles when the radius goes to infinity and the center goes off to the boundary of the disk (at the same rate as the radius, as measured with respect to the Poincaré distance). We write
for the hyperbolic circle with hyperbolic centre
and hyperbolic radius
(thus either
, or
is on the unit circle); there is an annoying caveat that when
there is more than one horocycle
with hyperbolic centre
, but we will tolerate this breakdown of functional dependence of
in order to simplify the notation. A hyperbolic circle packing is a circle packing
in which all circles are hyperbolic circles.
We also observe that the geodesic structure extends to the boundary of the unit disk: for any two distinct points in
, there is a unique geodesic that connects them.
In view of the above discussion, Theorem 7 may now be formulated as follows:
Theorem 14 (Inductive step, hyperbolic formulation) Let
be a maximal planar graph with at least four vertices
, let
be a non-degenerate vertex of
, and let
be the vertices adjacent to
. Suppose that there exists a hyperbolic circle packing
whose nerve is
. Then there is a hyperbolic circle packing
homotopic to
such that the boundary circles
are all horocycles. Furthermore, this packing is unique up to Möbius automorphisms (1) of the disk
To prove this theorem, the intuition is to “inflate” the hyperbolic radius of the circles of until the boundary circles all become infinite radius (i.e., horocycles). The difficulty is that one cannot just arbitrarily increase the radius of any given circle without destroying the required tangency properties. The resolution to this difficulty given in the work of Beardon and Stephenson that we are following here was inspired by Perron’s method of subharmonic functions, in which one faced an analogous difficulty that one could not easily manipulate a harmonic function without destroying its harmonicity. There, the solution was to work instead with the more flexible class of subharmonic functions; here we similarly work with the concept of a subpacking.
We will need some preliminaries to define this concept precisely. We first need some hyperbolic trigonometry. We define a hyperbolic triangle to be the solid (and closed) region in enclosed by three distinct points
and the geodesic arcs connecting them. (Note that we allow one or more of the vertices to be on the boundary of the disk, so that the sides of the triangle could have infinite length.) Let
be the space of triples
and not all of
infinite. We say that a hyperbolic triangle with vertices
is a
-triangle if there are hyperbolic circles
with the indicated hyperbolic centres and hyperbolic radii that are externally tangent to each other; note that this implies that the sidelengths opposite
have length
respectively (see Figure 3 of Beardon and Stephenson). It is easy to see that for any
, there exists a unique
-triangle in
up to reflections and Möbius automorphisms (use Möbius transforms to fix two of the hyperbolic circles, and consider all the circles externally tangent to both of these circles; the case when one or two of the
are infinite may need to be treated separately.). As a consequence, there is a well defined angle
subtended by the vertex
of an
triangle. We need some basic facts from hyperbolic geometry:
Exercise 15 (Hyperbolic trigonometry)
- (i) (Hyperbolic cosine rule) For any
, show that the quantity
is equal to the ratio
Furthermore, establish the limiting angles
(Hint: to facilitate computations, use a Möbius transform to move the
vertex to the origin when the radius there is finite.) Conclude in particular that
is continuous (using the topology of the extended real line for each component of
). Discuss how this rule relates to the Euclidean cosine rule in the limit as
go to zero. Of course, by relabeling one obtains similar formulae for
- (ii) (Area rule) Show that the area of a hyperbolic triangle is given by
, where
are the angles of the hyperbolic triangle. (Hint: one can prove this for small hyperbolic triangles (of diameter
) up to errors of size
after normalising as in (ii), and then establish the general case by subdividing a large hyperbolic triangle into many small hyperbolic triangles. This rule is also a special case of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem in Riemannian geometry.) In particular, the
area of a
-triangle is given by the formula
- (iii) Show that the area of the interior of a hyperbolic circle
is equal to
Henceforth we fix as in Theorem 14. We refer to the vertices
as boundary vertices of
and the remaining vertices as interior vertices; edges between boundary vertices are boundary edges, all other edges will be called interior edges (including edges that have one vertex on the boundary). Triangles in
that involve two boundary vertices (and thus necessarily one interior vertex) will be called boundary triangles; all other triangles (including ones that involve one boundary vertex) will be called interior triangles. To any triangle
, we can form the hyperbolic triangle
with vertices
; this is an
-triangle. Let
denote the collection of such hyperbolic triangles; because
is a packing, we see that these triangles have disjoint interiors. They also fit together in the following way: if
is a side of a hyperbolic triangle in
, then there will be another hyperbolic triangle in
that shares that side precisely when
is associated to an interior edge of
. The union of all these triangles is homeomorphic to the region formed by starting with a triangulation of the Riemann sphere by
and removing the triangles containing
as a vertex, and is therefore homeomorphic to a disk. One can think of the collection
of hyperbolic triangles, together with the vertices and edges shared by these triangles, as a two-dimensional (hyperbolic) simplicial complex, though we will not develop the full machinery of such complexes here.
Our objective is to find another hyperbolic circle packing homotopic to the existing circle packing
, such at all the boundary circles (circles centred at boundary vertices) are horocycles. We observe that such a hyperbolic circle packing is completely described (up to Möbius transformations) by the hyperbolic radii
of these circles. Indeed, suppose one knows the values of these hyperbolic radii. Then each hyperbolic triangle
is associated to a hyperbolic triangle
whose sides and angles are known from Exercise 15. As the orientation of each hyperbolic triangle is fixed, each hyperbolic triangle is determined up to a Möbius automorphism of
. Once one fixes one hyperbolic triangle, the adjacent hyperbolic triangles (that share a common side with the first triangle) are then also fixed; continuing in this fashion we see that the entire hyperbolic circle packing
is determined.
On the other hand, not every choice of radii will lead to a hyperbolic circle packing
with the required properties. There are two obvious constraints that need to be satisfied:
- (i) (Local constraint) The angles
of all the hyperbolic triangles
around any given interior vertex
must sum to exactly
- (ii) (Boundary constraint) The radii associated to boundary vertices must be infinite.
There could potentially also be a global constraint, in that one requires the circles of the packing to be disjoint – including circles that are not necessarily adjacent to each other. In general, one can easily create configurations of circles that are local circle packings but not global ones (see e.g., Figure 7 of Beardon-Stephenson). However, it turns out that one can use the boundary constraint and topological arguments to prevent this from happening. We first need a topological lemma:
Lemma 16 (Topological lemma) Let
be bounded connected open subsets of
simply connected, and let
be a continuous map such that
. Suppose furthermore that the restriction of
is a local homeomorphism. Then
is in fact a global homeomorphism.
The requirement that the restriction of to
be a local homeomorphism can in fact be relaxed to local injectivity thanks to the invariance of domain theorem. The complex numbers
can be replaced here by any finite-dimensional vector space.
Proof: The preimage of any point
in the interior of
is closed, discrete, and disjoint from
, and is hence finite. Around each point in the preimage, there is a neighbourhood on which
is a homeomorphism onto a neighbourhood of
. If one deletes the closure of these neighbourhoods, the image under
is compact and avoids
, and thus avoids a neighbourhood of
. From this we can show that
is a covering map from
. As the base
is simply connected, it is its own universal cover, and hence (by the connectedness of
must be a homeomorphism as claimed.
Proposition 17 Suppose we assign a radius
to each
that obeys the local constraint (i) and the boundary constraint (ii). Then there is a hyperbolic circle packing
with nerve
and the indicated radii.
Proof: We first create the hyperbolic triangles associated with the required hyperbolic circle packing, and then verify that this indeed arises from a circle packing.
Start with a single triangle in
, and arbitrarily select a
with the same orientation as
. By Exercise 15(i), such a triangle exists (and is unique up to Möbius automorphisms of the disk). If a hyperbolic triangle
has been fixed, and
(say) is an adjacent triangle in
, we can select
to be the unique
-triangle with the same orientation as
that shares the
side in common with
(with the
vertices agreeing). Similarly for other permutations of the labels. As
is a maximal planar graph with
non-degenerate (so in particular the set of internal vertices is connected), we can continue this construction to eventually fix every triangle in
. There is the potential issue that a given triangle
may depend on the order in which one arrives at that triangle starting from
, but one can check from a monodromy argument (in the spirit of the monodromy theorem) using the local constraint (i) and the simply connected nature of the triangulation associated to
that there is in fact no dependence on the order. (The process resembles that of laying down jigsaw pieces in the shape of hyperbolic triangles together, with the local constraint ensuring that there is always a flush fit locally.)
Now we show that the hyperbolic triangles have disjoint interiors inside the disk
. Let
denote the topological space formed by taking the disjoint union of the hyperbolic triangles
(now viewed as abstract topological spaces rather than subsets of the disk) and then gluing together all common edges, e.g. identifying the
edge of
with the same edge of
are adjacent triangles in
. This space is homeomorphic to the union of the original hyperbolic triangles
, and is thus homeomorphic to the closed unit disk. There is an obvious projection map
to the union of the
, which maps the abstract copy in
of a given hyperbolic triangle
to its concrete counterpart in
in the obvious fashion. This map is continuous. It does not quite cover the full closed disk, mainly because (by the boundary condition (ii)) the boundary hyperbolic triangles
touch the boundary of the disk at the vertices associated to
but do not follow the boundary arc connecting these vertices, being bounded instead by the geodesic from the
vertex to the
vertex; the missing region is a lens-shaped region bounded by two circular arcs. However, by applying another homeomorphism (that does not alter the edges from
), one can “push out” the
edge of this hyperbolic triangle across the lens to become the boundary arc from
. If one performs this modification for each boundary triangle, one arrives at a modified continuous map
, which now has the property that the boundary of
maps to the boundary of the disk, and the interior of
maps to the interior of the disk. Also one can check that this map is a local homeomorphism. By Lemma 16,
is injective; undoing the boundary modifications we conclude that
is injective. Thus the hyperbolic triangles
have disjoint interiors. Furthermore, the arguments show that for each boundary triangle
, the lens-shaped regions between the boundary arc between the vertices associated to
and the corresponding edge of the boundary triangle are also disjoint from the hyperbolic triangles and from each other. On the other hand, all of the hyperbolic circles and in
and their interiors are contained in the union of the hyperbolic triangles
and the lens-shaped regions, with each hyperbolic triangle containing portions only of the hyperbolic circles with hyperbolic centres at the vertices of the triangle, and similarly for the lens-shaped regions. From this one can verify that the interiors of the hyperbolic circles are all disjoint from each other, and give a hyperbolic circle packing with the required properties.
In view of the above proposition, the only remaining task is to find an assignment of radii obeying both the local condition (i) and the boundary condition (ii). This is analogous to finding a harmonic function with specified boundary data. To do this, we perform the following analogue of Perron’s method. Define a subpacking to be an assignment
of radii
obeying the following
- (i’) (Local sub-condition) The angles
around any given interior vertex
sum to at least
This can be compared with the definition of a (smooth) subharmonic function as one where the Laplacian is always at least zero. Note that we always have at least one subpacking, namely the one provided by the radii of the original hyperbolic circle packing . Intuitively, in each subpacking, the radius
at an interior vertex
is either “too small” or “just right”.
We now need a key monotonicity property, analogous to how the maximum of two subharmonic functions is again subharmonic:
- (i) Show that the angle
(as defined in Exercise 15(i)) is strictly decreasing in
and strictly increasing in
(if one holds the other two radii fixed). Do these claims agree with your geometric intuition?
- (ii) Conclude that whenever
are subpackings, that
is also a subpacking.
- (iii) Let
be such that
. Show that
, with equality if and only if
for all
. (Hint: increase just one of the radii
. One can either use calculus (after first disposing of various infinite radii cases) or one can argue geometrically.)
As with Perron’s method, we can now try to construct a hyperbolic circle packing by taking the supremum of all the subpackings. To avoid degeneracies we need an upper bound:
Proposition 19 (Upper bound) Let
be a subpacking. Then for any interior vertex
of degree
, one has
The precise value of is not so important for our arguments, but the fact that it is finite will be. This boundedness of interior circles in a circle packing is a key feature of hyperbolic geometry that is not present in Euclidean geometry, and is one of the reasons why we moved to a hyperbolic perspective in the first place.
Proof: By the subpacking property and pigeonhole principle, there is a triangle in
such that
. The hyperbolic triangle associated to
has area at most
by (2); on the other hand, it contains a sector of a hyperbolic circle of radius
and angle
, and hence has area at least
, thanks to Exercise 15(iv). Comparing the two bounds gives the claim.
Now define to be the (pointwise) supremum of all the subpackings. By the above proposition,
is finite at every interior vertex. By Exercise 18, one can view
as a monotone increasing limit of subpackings, and is thus again a subpacking (due to the continuity properties of
as long as at least one of the radii stays bounded); thus
is the maximal subpacking. On the other hand, if
is finite at some boundary vertex, then by Exercise 18(i) one could replace that radius by a larger quantity without destroying the subpacking property, contradicting the maximality of
. Thus all the boundary radii are infinite, that is to say the boundary condition (ii) holds. Finally, if the sum of the angles at an interior vertex
is strictly greater than
, then by Exercise 18 we could increase the radius at this vertex slightly without destroying the subpacking property at
or at any other of the interior vertices, again contradicting the maximality of
. Thus
obeys the local condition (i), and we have demonstrated existence of the required hyperbolic circle packing.
Finally we establish uniqueness. It suffices to establish that is the unique tuple that obeys the local condition (i) and the boundary condition (ii). Suppose we had another tuple
other than
that obeyed these two conditions. Then by the maximality of
, we have
for all
. By Exercise 18(iii), this implies that
for any triangle in
. Summing over all triangles and using (2), we conclude that
where the inner sum is over the pairs such that
forms a triangle in
. But by the local condition (i) and the boundary condition (ii), the inner sum on either side is equal to
for an interior vertex and
for a boundary vertex. Thus the two sides agree, which by Exercise 18(iii) implies that
for all
. This proves Theorem 14 and thus Theorems 7, 3, 4.
— 2. Quasiconformal maps —
In this section we set up some of the foundational theory of quasiconformal mapping, which are generalisations of the conformal mapping concept that can tolerate some deviations from perfect conformality, while still retaining many of the good properties of conformal maps (such as being preserved under uniform limits), though with the notable caveat that in contrast to conformal maps, quasiconformal maps need not be smooth. As such, this theory will come in handy when proving convergence of circle packings to the Riemann map. The material here is largely drawn from the text of Lehto and Virtanen.
We first need the following refinement of the Riemann mapping theorem, known as Carathéodory’s theorem:
Theorem 20 (Carathéodory’s theorem) Let
be a bounded simply connected domain in
whose boundary
is a Jordan curve, and let
be a conformal map between
(as given by the Riemann mapping theorem). Then
extends to a continuous homeomorphism from
The condition that be a Jordan curve is clearly necessary, since if
is not simple then there are paths in
that end up at different points in
but have the same endpoint in
after applying
, which prevents
being continuously extended to a homeomorphism.
Proof: We first prove continuous extension to the boundary. It suffices to show that for every point on the boundary of the unit circle, the diameters of the sets
go to zero for some sequence of radii
First observe from the change of variables formula that the area of is given by
, where
is Lebesgue measure. In particular, this integral is finite. Expanding in polar coordinates around
, we conclude that
Since diverges near
, we conclude from the pigeonhole principle that there exists a sequence of radii
decreasing to zero such that
and hence by Cauchy-Schwarz
If we let denote the circular arc
, we conclude from this and the triangle inequality (and chain rule) that
is a rectifiable curve with length going to zero as
. Let
denote the endpoints of this curve. Clearly they lie in
. If (say)
was in
, then as
is a homeomorphism from
would have one endpoint in
rather than
, which is absurd. Thus
lies in
, and similarly for
. Since the length of
goes to zero, the distance between
goes to zero. Since
is a Jordan curve, it can be parameterised homeomorphically by
, and so by compactness we also see that the distance between the parameterisations of
must also go to zero, hence (by uniform continuity of the inverse parameterisation)
are connected along
by an arc whose diameter goes to zero. Combining this arc with
, we obtain a Jordan curve of diameter going to zero which separates
from the rest of
. Sending
to infinity, we see that
(which decreases with
) must eventually map in the interior of this curve rather than the exterior, and so the diameter goes to zero as claimed.
The above construction shows that extends to a continuous map (which by abuse of notation we continue to call
) from
, and the proof also shows that
maps to
. As
is a compact subset of
that contains
, it must surject onto
. As both
are compact Hausdorff spaces, we will now be done if we can show injectivity. The only way injectivity can fail is if there are two distinct points
that map to the same point. Let
be the line segment connecting
, then
is a Jordan curve in
that meets
only at
into two regions; one of which must map to the interior of
, which implies that there is an entire arc of
which maps to the single point
. But then by the Schwarz reflection principle,
extends conformally across this arc and is constant in a non-isolated set, thus is constant everywhere by analytic continuation, which is absurd. This establishes the required injectivity.
This has the following consequence. Define a Jordan quadrilateral to be the open region enclosed by a Jordan curve with four distinct marked points
on it in counterclockwise order, which we call the vertices of the quadrilateral. The arcs in
will be called the
-sides; the arcs connecting
will be called
-sides. (Thus for instance each cyclic permutation of the
vertices will swap the
-sides and
-sides, while keeping the interior region
unchanged.) A key example of a Jordan quadrilateral are the (Euclidean) rectangles, in which the vertices
are the usual corners of the rectangle, traversed counterclockwise. The
-sides then are line segments of some length
, and the
-sides are line segments of some length
that are orthogonal to the
-sides. A vertex-preserving conformal map from one Jordan quadrilateral
to another
will be a conformal map that extends to a homeomorphism from
that maps the corners of
to the respective corners of
(in particular,
-sides get mapped to
-sides, and similarly for
Exercise 21 Let
be a Jordan quadrilateral with vertices
- (i) Show that there exists
and a conformal map
to the upper half-plane
that extends continuously to a homeomorphism
and which maps
respectively. (Hint: first map
to increasing elements of the real line, then use the intermediate value theorem to enforce
- (ii) Show that there is a vertex-preserving conformal map
to a rectangle
(Hint: use Schwarz-Christoffel mapping.)
- (iii) Show that the rectangle
in part (ii) is unique up to affine transformations. (Hint: if one has a conformal map between rectangles that preserves the vertices, extend it via repeated use of the Schwarz reflection principle to an entire map.)
This allows for the following definition: the conformal modulus (or modulus for short, also called module in older literature) of a Jordan quadrilateral with vertices
is the ratio
, where
are the lengths of the
-sides and
-sides of a rectangle
that is conformal to
in a vertex-preserving vashion.. This is a number between
; each cyclic permutation of the vertices replaces the modulus with its reciprocal. It is clear from construction that the modulus of a Jordan quadrilateral is unaffected by vertex-preserving conformal transformations.
Now we define quasiconformal maps. Informally, conformal maps are homeomorphisms that map infinitesimal circles to infinitesimal circles; quasiconformal maps are homeomorphisms that map infinitesimal circles to curves that differ from an infinitesimal circle by “bounded distortion”. However, for the purpose of setting up the foundations of the theory, it is slightly more convenient to work with rectangles instead of circles (it is easier to partition rectangles into subrectangles than disks into subdisks). We therefore introduce
Definition 22 Let
. An orientation-preserving homeomorphism
between two domains
is said to be
-quasiconformal if one has
for every Jordan quadrilateral
Note that by cyclically permuting the vertices of , we automatically also obtain the inequality
or equivalently
for any Jordan quadrilateral. Thus it is not possible to have any -quasiconformal maps for
(excluding the degenerate case when
are empty), and a map is
-conformal if and only if it preserves the modulus. In particular, conformal maps are
-conformal; we will shortly establish that the converse claim is also true. It is also clear from the definition that the inverse of a
-quasiconformal map is also
-quasiconformal, and the composition of a
-quasiconformal map and a
-quasiconformal map is a
-quasiconformal map.
It is helpful to have an alternate characterisation of the modulus that does not explicitly mention conformal mapping:
Proposition 23 (Alternate definition of modulus) Let
be a Jordan quadrilateral with vertices
. Then
is the smallest quantity with the following property: for any Lebesgue measurable
one can find a curve
connecting one
-side of
to another, and which is locally rectifiable away from endpoints, such that
denotes integration using the length element of
(not to be confused with the contour integral
The reciprocal of this notion of modulus generalises to the concept of extremal length, which we will not develop further here.
Proof: Observe from the change of variables formula that if is a vertex-preserving conformal mapping between Jordan quadrilaterals
, and
is a locally rectifiable curve connecting one
-side of
to another, then
is a locally rectifiable curve connecting one
-side of
to another, with
As a consequence, if the proposition holds for it also holds for
. Thus we may assume without loss of generality that
is a rectangle, which we may normalise to be
with vertices
, so that the modulus is
. For any measurable
, we have from Cauchy-Schwarz and Fubini’s theorem that
and hence by the pigeonhole principle there exists such that
On the other hand, if we set , then
, and for any curve
connecting the
-side from
to the
-side from
, we have
Thus is the best constant with the required property, proving the claim.
Here are some quick and useful consequences of this characterisation:
- (i) If
are disjoint Jordan quadrilaterals that share a common
-side, and which can be glued together along this side to form a new Jordan quadrilateral
, show that
. If equality occurs, show that after conformally mapping
to a rectangle (in a vertex preserving fashion),
are mapped to subrectangles (formed by cutting the original parallel to the
- (ii) If
are disjoint Jordan quadrilaterals that share a common
-side, and which can be glued together along this side to form a new Jordan quadrilateral
, show that
. If equality occurs, show that after conformally mapping
to a rectangle (in a vertex preserving fashion),
are mapped to subrectangles (formed by cutting the original parallel to the
Exercise 25 (Rengel’s inequality) Let
be a Jordan quadrilateral of area
, let
be the shortest (Euclidean) distance between a point on one
-side and a point on the other
-side, and similarly let
be the shortest (Euclidean) distance between a point on one
-side and a point on the other
-side. Show that
and that equality in either case occurs if and only if
is a rectangle.
Exercise 26 (Continuity from below) Suppose
is a sequence of Jordan quadrilaterals which converge to another Jordan quadrilateral
, in the sense that the vertices of
converge to their respective counterparts in
, each
-side in
converges (in the Hausdorff sense) to the
-side of
, and the similarly for
-sides. Suppose also that
for all
. Show that
converges to
. (Hint: map
to a rectangle and use Rengel’s inequality.)
Proposition 27 (Local quasiconformality implies quasiconformality) Let
, and let
be an orientation-preserving homeomorphism between complex domains
which is locally
-quasiconformal in the sense that for every
there is a neighbourhood
such that
-quasiconformal from
. Then
Proof: We need to show that for any Jordan quadrilateral
. The hypothesis gives this claim for all quadrilaterals in the sufficiently small neighbourhood of any point in
. For any natural number
, we can subdivide a rectangle
conformally equivalent (in a vertex-preserving fashion) with
subrectangles of the same modulus; for
large enough, a compactness argument then shows that
can be subdivided into
Jordan quadrilaterals of the same modulus, that are small enough for the hypothesis to apply to each of these quadrilaterals. The claim then follows from many applications of Exercise 24.
We can now reverse the implication that conformal maps are -conformal:
Proposition 28 Every
-conformal map
is conformal.
Proof: By covering by quadrilaterals we may assume without loss of generality that
(and hence also
) is a Jordan quadrilateral; by composing on left and right with conformal maps we may assume that
are rectangles. As
-conformal, the rectangles have the same modulus, so after a further affine transformation we may assume that
is the rectangle with vertices
for some modulus
. If one subdivides
into two rectangles along an intermediate vertical line segment connecting say
for some
, the moduli of these rectangles are
. Applying the
-conformal map and the converse portion of Exercise 24, we conclude that these rectangles must be preserved by
, thus
preserves the
coordinate. Similarly
preserves the
coordinate, and is therefore the identity map, which is of course conformal.
Next, we can give a simple criterion for quasiconformality in the continuously differentiable case:
Theorem 29 Let
, and let
be an orientation-preserving diffeomorphism (a continuously (real) differentiable homeomorphism whose derivative is always nondegenerate) between complex domains
. Then the following are equivalent:
- (i)
- (ii) For any point
and phases
, one has
denotes the directional derivative.
Proof: Let us first show that (ii) implies (i). Let be a Jordan quadrilateral in
; we have to show that
. From the chain rule one can check that condition (ii) is unchanged by composing
with conformal maps on the left or right, so we may assume without loss of generality that
are rectangles; in fact we may normalise
to have vertices
to have vertices
. From the change of variables formula (and the singular value decomposition), followed by Fubini’s theorem and Cauchy-Schwarz, we have
and hence , giving the claim.
Now suppose that (ii) failed, then by the singular value decomposition we can find and a phase
such that
for some real with
. After translations and rotations we may normalise so that
But then from Rengel’s inequality and Taylor expansion one sees that will map a unit square with vertices
to a quadrilateral of modulus converging to
, contradicting (i).
Exercise 30 Show that the conditions (i), (ii) in the above theorem are also equivalent to the bound
for all
, where
are the Wirtinger derivatives.
Exercise 31 Let
be a orientation-preserving homeomorphism between two complex domains
. Suppose that there is a closed set
of Lebesgue measure zero such that
is conformal on
. Show that
Recall Hurwitz’s theorem that the locally uniform limit of conformal maps is either conformal or constant. It turns out there is a similar result for quasiconformal maps. We will just prove a weak version of the result (see Theorem II.5.5 of Lehto-Virtanen for the full statement):
Theorem 32 Let
, and let
be a sequence of
-quasiconformal maps that converge locally uniformly to an orientation-preserving homeomorphism
. Then
is also
It is important for this theorem that we do not insist that quasiconformal maps are necessarily differentiable. Indeed for applications to circle packing we will be working with maps that are only piecewise smooth, or possibly even worse, even though at the end of the day we will recover a smooth conformal map in the limit.
Proof: Let be a Jordan quadrilateral in
. We need to show that
. By restricting
we may assume
. By composing
with a conformal map we may assume that
is a rectangle. We can write
as the increasing limit of rectangles
of the same modulus, then for any
we have
. By choosing
going to infinity sufficiently rapidly,
stays inside
and converges to
in the sense of Exercise 26, and the claim then follows from that exercise.
Another basic property of conformal mappings (a consequence of Morera’s theorem) is that they can be glued along a common edge as long as the combined map is also a homeomorphism; this fact underlies for instance the Schwarz reflection principle. We have a quasiconformal analogue:
Theorem 33 Let
, and let
be an orientation-preserving homeomorphism. Let
be a real analytic (and topologically closed) contour that lies in
except possibly at the endpoints. If
-quasiconformal, then
We will generally apply this theorem in the case when disconnects
into two components, in which case
can be viewed as the gluing of the restrictions of this map to the two components.
Proof: As in the proof of the previous theorem, we may take to be a rectangle
, and it suffices (after cyclically permuting vertices) to show that
. We may normalise
to have vertices
. The real analytic contour
in a finite number of curves, which can be broken up further into a finite horizontal line segments and graphs
for various closed intervals
and real analytic
. For any
, we can then use the uniform continuity of the
to subdivide
into a finite number of rectangles
where on each such rectangle,
meets the interior of
in a bounded number of graphs
whose horizontal variation is
. This subdividies
into a bounded number of Jordan quadrilaterals
; by Rengel’s theorem we see that the moduli of these quadrilaterals adds up to
. Applying
(which is
-quasiconformal on the
) and then Exercise 24 we conclude that
, and then by Exercise 24 again we conclude that
; sending
we obtain the claim.
It will be convenient to study analogues of the modulus when quadrilaterals are replaced by generalisations of annuli. We define a ring domain to be a region bounded between two Jordan curves , where
(the inner boundary) is contained inside the interior of
(the outer boundary). For instance, the annulus
is a ring domain for any
. In the spirit of Proposition 23, define the modulus
of a ring domain
to be the infimum of all the quantities
with the following property: for any Lebesgue measurable
one can find a rectifable curve
winding once around the inner boundary
, such that
We record some basic properties of this modulus:
- (i) Show that the modulus of an annulus
is given by
- (ii) Show that if
-quasiconformal and
is an ring domain in
, then
. In particular, the modulus is a conformal invariant. (There is also a converse to this statement that allows for a definition of
-quasiconformality in terms of the modulus of ring domains; see e.g. Theorem 7.2 of Lehto-Virtanen.)
- (iii) Show that if one ring domain
is contained inside another
(with the inner boundary of
in the interior of the inner boundary of
), then
Exercise 35 Show that every ring domain is conformal to an annulus. (There are several ways to proceed here. One is to start by using Perron’s method to construct a harmonic function that is
on one of the boundaries of the annulus and
on the other. Another is to apply a logarithm map to transform the annulus to a simply connected domain with a “parabolic” group of discrete translation symmetries, use the Riemann mapping theorem to map this to a disc, and use the uniqueness aspect of the Riemann mapping theorem to figure out what happens to the symmetry.) Use this to give an alternate definition of the modulus of a ring domain that is analogous to the original definition of the modulus of a quadrilateral.
As a basic application of this concept we have the fact that the complex plane cannot be quasiconformal to any proper subset:
Proposition 36 Let
be a
-quasiconformal map for some
; then
Proof: As is homeomorphic to
, it is simply connected. Thus, if we assume for contradiction that
, then by the Riemann mapping theorem
is conformal to
, so we may assume without loss of generality that
By Exercise 34(i), the moduli of the annuli
goes to infinity as
, and hence (by Exercise 34(ii) (applied to
) the moduli of the ring domains
must also go to infinity. However, as the inner boundary of this domain is fixed and the outer one is bounded, all these ring domains can be contained inside a common annulus, contradicting Exercise 34(iii).
One can adapt the proof of this proposition to give a quasiconformal version of Montel’s theorem:
Exercise 37 Let
be a sequence of
-quasiconformal maps for some
, such that all the
are uniformly bounded. Show that the
are a normal family, that is to say every sequence in
contains a subsequence that converges locally uniformly. (Hint: use an argument similar to that in the proof of Proposition 36 to establish some equicontinuity of the
There are many further basic properties of the conformal modulus for both quadrilaterals and annuli; we refer the interested reader to Lehto-Virtanen for details.
— 3. Rigidity of the hexagonal circle packing —
We return now to circle packings. In order to understand finite circle packings, it is convenient (in order to use some limiting arguments) to consider some infinite circle packings. A basic example of an infinite circle packing is the regular hexagonal circle packing
where is the hexagonal lattice
and is the unit circle centred at
. This is clearly an (infinite) circle packing, with two circles
in this packing (externally) tangent if and only if they differ by twice a sixth root of unity. Between any three mutually tangent circles in this packing is an open region that we will call an interstice. It is inscribed in a dual circle that meets the three original circles orthogonally and can be computed to have radius
; the interstice can then be viewed as a hyperbolic triangle in this dual circle in which all three sides have infinite length. Let
denote the union of all the interstices.
For every circle in this circle packing, we can form the inversion map
across this circle on the Riemann sphere, defined by setting
for and
, with the convention that
and vice versa. These are conjugates of Möbius transformations; they preserve the circle
and swap the interior with the exterior. Let
be the group of transformations of
generated by these inversions
; this is essentially a Schottky group (except for the fact that we are are allowing for conjugate Möbius transformations in addition to ordinary Möbius transformations). Let
be the union of the images of the interstitial regions
under all of these transformations. We have the following basic fact:
Proposition 38
has Lebesgue measure zero.
Proof: (Sketch) I thank Mario Bonk for this argument. Let denote all the circles formed by applying an element of
to the circles in
. If
lies in
, then it lies inside one of the circles in
, and then after inverting through that circle it lies in another circle in
, and so forth; undoing the inversions, we conclude that
lies in infinite number of nested circles. Let
be one of these circles.
contains a union of six interstices bounded by
and a cycle of six circles internally tangent to
and consecutively externally tangent to each other. A slight modification of the ring lemma shows that the six internal circles have radii comparable to that of
, and hence
has density
in the disk enclosed by
, which also contains
. The ring lemma also shows that the radius of each circle in the nested sequence is at most
times the one enclosing it for some absolute constant
, so in particular the disks shrink to zero in size. Thus
cannot be a point of density of
, and hence by the Lebesgue density theorem this set has measure zero.
Next we need two simple geometric lemmas, due to Rodin and Sullivan.
Lemma 39 (Ring lemma) Let
be a circle that is externally tangent to a chain
of circles with disjoint interiors, with each
externally tangent to
(with the convention
). Then there is a constant
depending only on
, such that the radii of each of the
is at least
times the radius of
Proof: Without loss of generality we may assume that has radius
and that the radius
is maximal among the radii
of the
. As the polygon connecting the centers of the
has to contain
, we see that
. This forces
, for if
was too small then
would be so deep in the cuspidal region between
that it would not be possible for
to escape this cusp and go around
. A similar argument then gives
, and so forth, giving the claim.
Lemma 40 (Length-area lemma) Let
, and let
consist of those circles in
that can be connected to the circle
by a path of length at most
(going through consecutively tangent circles in
). Let
be circle packing with the same nerve as
that is contained in a disk of radius
. Then the circle
associated to the circle
has radius
The point of this bound is that when is bounded and
, the radius of
is forced to go to zero.
Proof: We can surround by
disjoint chains
of consecutively tangent circles
. Each circle is associated to a corresponding circle in
of some radius
. The total area
of these circles is at most the area
of the disk of radius
. Since
, this implies from the pigeonhole principle that there exists
for which
and hence by Cauchy-Schwarz
Connecting the centers of these circles, we obtain a polygonal path of length that goes around
, and the claim follows.
We also need another simple geometric observation:
Exercise 41 Let
be mutually externally tangent circles, and let
be another triple of mutually external circles, with the same orientation (e.g.
both go counterclockwise around their interstitial region). Show that there exists a Möbius transformation
that maps each
and which maps the interstice of
conformally onto the interstice of
Now we can give a rigidity result for the hexagonal circle packing, somewhat in the spirit of Theorem 4 (though it does not immediately follow from that theorem), and also due to Rodin and Sullivan:
Proposition 42 (Rigidity of infinite hexagonal packing) Let
be an infinite circle packing in
with the same nerve as the hexagonal circle packing
. Then
is in fact equal to the hexagonl circle packing up to affine transformations and reflections.
Proof: By applying a reflection we may assume that and
have the same orientation. For each interstitial region
there is an associated interstitial region
, and by Exercise 41 there is a Möbius transformation
. These can be glued together to form a map
that is initially defined (and conformal) on the interstitial regions
; we would like to extend it to the entire complex plane by defining it also inside the circles
Now consider a circle in
. It is bounded by six interstitial regions
, which map to six interstitial regions
that lie between the circle
corresponding to
and six tangent circles
. By the ring lemma, all of the circles
have radii comparable to the radius
. As a consequence, the map
, which is defined (and piecewise Möbius) on the boundary of
as a map to the boundary of
, has derivative comparable in magnitude to
also. By extending this map radially (in the sense of defining
, where
is the centre of
, we see from Theorem 29 that we can extend
to be
-quasiconformal in the interior of
except possibly at
for some
, and to a homeomorphism from
to the region
consisting of the union of the disks in
and their interstitial regions. By many applications of Theorem 33,
is now
-quasiconformal on all of
, and conformal in the interstitial regions
. By Proposition 36,
surjects onto
, thus the circle packing
and all of its interstitial regions cover the entire complex plane.
Next, we use a version of the Schwarz reflection principle to replace by another
-quasiconformal map that is conformal on a larger region than
. Namely, pick a circle
, and let
be the corresponding circle in
. Let
be the inversions across
respectively. Note that
maps the circle
, with the interior mapping to the interior and exterior mapping to the exterior. We can then define a modified map
by setting
equal to
on or outside
, and
equal to
(with the convention that
). This is still an orientation-preserving function
; by Theorem 33 it is still
-quasiconformal. It remains conformal on the interstitial region
, but is now also conformal on the additional interstitial region
. Repeating this construction one can find a sequence
-quasiconformal maps that map each circle
to their counterparts
, and which are conformal on a sequence
of sets that increase up to
. By Exercise 37, the restriction of
to any compact set forms a normal family (the fact that the circles
map to the circles
will give the required uniform boundedness for topological reasons), and hence (by the usual diagonalisation argument) the
themselves are a normal family; similarly for
. Thus, by passing to a subsequence, we may assume that the
converge locally uniformly to a limit
, and that
also converge locally uniformly to a limit which must then invert
. Thus
is a homeomorphism, and thus
-quasiconformal by Theorem 32. It is conformal on
, and hence by Proposition 31 it is conformal. But the only conformal maps of the complex plane are the affine maps (see Proposition 15 of this previous blog post), and hence
is an affine copy of
as required.
By a standard limiting argument, the perfect rigidity of the infinite circle packing can be used to give approximate rigidity of finite circle packings:
Corollary 43 (Approximate rigidity of finite hexagonal packings) Let
, and suppose that
is sufficiently large depending on
. Let
be as in Lemma 40. Let
be the radius of the circle
associated to
, and let
be the radius of an adjacent circle
. Then
Proof: We may normalise and
. Suppose for contradiction that the claim failed, then one can find a sequence
tending to infinity, and circle packings
with nerve
, such that the radius
of the adjacent circle
stays bounded away from
. By many applications of the ring lemma, for each circle
, the corresponding circle
has radius bounded above and below by zero. Passing to a subsequence using Bolzano-Weierstrass and using the Arzela-Ascoli diagonalisation argument, we may assume that the radii
of these circles converge to a positive finite limit
. Applying a rotation we may also assume that the circles
converge to a limit circle
(using the obvious topology on the space of circles); we can also assume that the orientation of the
does not depend on
. A simple induction then shows that
converges to a limit circle
, giving a circle packing
with the same nerve as
. But then by Lemma 42,
is an affine copy of
, which among other things implies that
. Thus
converges to
, giving the required contradiction.
A more quantitative version of this corollary was worked out by He. There is also a purely topological proof of the rigidity of the infinite hexagonal circle packing due to Schramm.
— 4. Approximating a conformal map by circle packing —
Let be a simply connected bounded region in
with two distinct distinguished points
. By the Riemann mapping theorem, there is a unique conformal map
that maps
to a positive real. However, many proofs of this theorem are rather nonconstructive, and do not come with an effective algorithm to locate, or at least approximate, this map
It was conjectured by Thurston, and later proven by Rodin and Sullivan, that one could achieve this by applying the circle packing theorem (Theorem 3) to a circle packing in by small circles. To formalise this, we need some more notation. Let
be a small number, and let
be the infinite hexagonal packing scaled by
. For every circle in
, define the flower to be the union of this circle, its interior, and the six interstices bounding it. Let
be a circle in
such that
lies in its flower. For
small enough, this flower is contained in
. Let
denote all circles in
that can be reached from
by a finite chain of consecutively tangent circles in
, whose flowers all lie in
. Elements of
will be called inner circles, and circles in
that are not an inner circle but are tangent to it will be called border circles. Because
is simply connected, the union of all the flowers of inner circles is also simply connected. As a consequence, one can traverse the border circles by a cycle of consecutively tangent circles, with the inner circles enclosed by this cycle. Let
be the circle packing consisting of the inner circles and border circles. Applying Theorem 3 followed by a Möbius transformation, one can then find a circle packing
with the same nerve and orientation as
, such that all the circles in
associated to border circles of
are internally tangent to
. Applying a Möbius transformation, we may assume that the flower containing
is mapped to the flower containing
, and the flower containing
is mapped to a flower containing a positive real. (From the exercise below
will lie in such a flower for
small enough.)
Let be the union of all the solid closed equilateral triangles formed by the centres of mutually tangent circles in
, and let
be the corresponding union of the solid closed triangles from
. Let
be the piecewise affine map from
that maps each triangle in
to the associated triangle in
Exercise 44 Show that
converges to
in the Hausdorff sense. In particular,
lies in
for sufficiently small
Exercise 45 By modifying the proof of the length-area lemma, show that all the circles
have radius that goes uniformly to zero as
. (Hint: for circles
deep in the interior, the length-area lemma works as is; for circles
near the boundary, one has to encircle
by a sequence of chains that need not be closed, but may instead terminate on the boundary of
. The argument may be viewed as a discrete version of the one used to prove Theorem 20.) Using this and the previous exercise, show that
converges to
in the Hausdorff sense.
From Corollary 43 we see that as , the circles in
corresponding to adjacent circles of
in a fixed compact subset
have radii differing by a ratio of
. We conclude that in any compact subset
, adjacent circles in
also have radii differing by a ratio of
, which implies by trigonometry that the triangles of
are approximately equilateral in the sense that their angles are
. By Theorem 29
-quasiconformal on each such triangle, and hence by Theorem 33 it is
-quasiconformal on
. By Exercise 37 every sequence of
has a subsequence which converges locally uniformly on
, and whose inverses converge locally uniformly on
; the limit is then a homeomorphism from
that maps
to a positive real. By Theorem 32 the limit is
-conformal and hence conformal, hence by uniqueness of the Riemann mapping it must equal
. This implies that
converges locally uniformly to
, thus making precise the sense in which the circle packings converge to the Riemann map.