The inclusion-exclusion principle for commuting projections
What's new 2021-02-23
The (classical) Möbius function is the unique function that obeys the classical Möbius inversion formula:
Proposition 1 (Classical Möbius inversion) Letbe functions from the natural numbers to an additive group
. Then the following two claims are equivalent:
- (i)
for all
- (ii)
for all
There is a generalisation of this formula to (finite) posets, due to Hall, in which one sums over chains in the poset:
Proposition 2 (Poset Möbius inversion) Letbe a finite poset, and let
be functions from that poset to an additive group
. Then the following two claims are equivalent:
(Note from the finite nature of
- (i)
for all
, where
is understood to range in
- (ii)
for all
, where in the inner sum
are understood to range in
with the indicated ordering.
that the inner sum in (ii) is vacuous for all but finitely many
Comparing Proposition 2 with Proposition 1, it is natural to refer to the function as the Möbius function of the poset. Proof: If (i) holds, then we have
In fact it is not completely necessary that the poset be finite; an inspection of the proof shows that it suffices that every element
of the poset has only finitely many predecessors
It is not difficult to see that Proposition 2 includes Proposition 1 as a special case, after verifying the combinatorial fact that the quantity
I recently discovered that Proposition 2 can also lead to a useful variant of the inclusion-exclusion principle. The classical version of this principle can be phrased in terms of indicator functions: if are subsets of some set
, then
One drawback of this formula is that there are exponentially many terms on the right-hand side: of them, in fact. However, in many cases of interest there are “collisions” between the intersections
(for instance, perhaps many of the pairwise intersections
agree), in which case there is an opportunity to collect terms and hopefully achieve some cancellation. It turns out that it is possible to use Proposition 2 to do this, in which one only needs to sum over chains in the resulting poset of intersections:
Proposition 3 (Hall-type inclusion-exclusion principle) Letbe subsets of some set
, and let
be the finite poset formed by intersections of some of the
(with the convention that
is the empty intersection), ordered by set inclusion. Then for any
, one has
are understood to range in
. In particular (setting
to be the empty intersection) if the
are all proper subsets of
then we have
In particular, if there is a finite measure
for which
are all measurable, we have
Proof: It suffices to establish (2) (to derive (3) from (2) observe that all the are contained in one of the
, so the effect of
may be absorbed into
). Applying Proposition 2, this is equivalent to the assertion that
Example 4 Ifwith
, and
are all distinct, then we have
due to the four chains
of length one, and the three chains
of length two. Note that this expansion just has six terms in it, as opposed to the
given by the usual inclusion-exclusion formula. This may not seem particularly impressive, especially if one views the term
as really being three terms instead of one, but if we add a fourth set
for all
, the formula now becomes
and we begin to see more cancellation as we now have just seven terms (or ten if we count
as four terms) instead of
Example 5 (Variant of Legendre sieve) Ifare natural numbers, and
is some sequence of complex numbers with only finitely many terms non-zero, then by applying the above proposition to the sets
and with
equal to counting measure weighted by the
we obtain a variant of the Legendre sieve
range over the set
formed by taking least common multiples of the
(with the understanding that the empty least common multiple is
), and
denotes the assertion that
but is strictly less than
. I am curious to know of this version of the Legendre sieve already appears in the literature (and similarly for the other applications of Proposition 2 given here).
If the poset has bounded depth then the number of terms in Proposition 3 can end up being just polynomially large in
rather than exponentially large. Indeed, if all chains
have length
at most
then the number of terms here is at most
. (The examples (4), (5) are ones in which the depth is equal to two.) I hope to report in a later post on how this version of inclusion-exclusion with polynomially many terms can be useful in an application.
Actually in our application we need an abstraction of the above formula, in which the indicator functions are replaced by more abstract idempotents:
Proposition 6 (Hall-type inclusion-exclusion principle for idempotents) Letbe pairwise commuting elements of some ring
with identity, which are all idempotent (thus
). Let
be the finite poset formed by products of the
(with the convention that
is the empty product), ordered by declaring
(note that all the elements of
are idempotent so this is a partial ordering). Then for any
, one has
are understood to range in
. In particular (setting
) if all the
are not equal to
then we have
Morally speaking this proposition is equivalent to the previous one after applying a “spectral theorem” to simultaneously diagonalise all of the , but it is quicker to just adapt the previous proof to establish this proposition directly.
Proof: Again it suffices to verify (6). Using Proposition 2 as before, it suffices to show that
for all