The structure of arbitrary Conze-Lesigne systems
What's new 2021-12-06
Asgar Jamneshan, Or Shalom, and myself have just uploaded to the arXiv our preprint “The structure of arbitrary Conze–Lesigne systems“. As the title suggests, this paper is devoted to the structural classification of Conze-Lesigne systems, which are a type of measure-preserving system that are “quadratic” or of “complexity two” in a certain technical sense, and are of importance in the theory of multiple recurrence. There are multiple ways to define such systems; here is one. Take a countable abelian group acting in a measure-preserving fashion on a probability space
, thus each group element
gives rise to a measure-preserving map
. Define the third Gowers-Host-Kra seminorm
of a function
via the formula
The analogous theory in complexity one is well understood. Here, one replaces the norm by the
We return now to the complexity two setting. The most famous examples of Conze-Lesigne systems are (order two) nilsystems, in which the space is a quotient
of a two-step nilpotent Lie group
by a lattice
(equipped with Haar probability measure), and the action is given by a translation
for some group homomorphism
. For instance, the Heisenberg
Our main result is that even in the infinitely generated case, Conze-Lesigne systems are still inverse limits of a slight generalisation of the nilsystem concept, in which is a locally compact Polish group rather than a Lie group:
Theorem 1 (Classification of Conze-Lesigne systems) Letbe a countable abelian group, and
an ergodic measure-preserving
-system. Then
is a Conze-Lesigne system if and only if it is the inverse limit of translational systems
, where
is a nilpotent locally compact Polish group of nilpotency class two, and
is a lattice in
(and also a lattice in the commutator group
), with
equipped with the Haar probability measure and a translation action
for some homomorphism
In a forthcoming companion paper to this one, Asgar Jamneshan and I will use this theorem to derive an inverse theorem for the Gowers norm for an arbitrary finite abelian group
(with no restrictions on the order of
, in particular our result handles the case of even and odd
in a unified fashion). In principle, having a higher order version of this theorem will similarly allow us to derive inverse theorems for
norms for arbitrary
and finite abelian
; we hope to investigate this further in future work.
We sketch some of the main ideas used to prove the theorem. The existing machinery developed by Conze-Lesigne, Furstenberg-Weiss, Host-Kra, and others allows one to describe an arbitrary Conze-Lesigne system as a group extension , where
is a Kronecker system (a rotational system on a compact abelian group
and translation action
is another compact abelian group, and the cocycle
is a collection of measurable maps
obeying the cocycle equation
There is an additional technical issue worth pointing out here (which unfortunately was glossed over in some previous work in the area). Because the cocycle equation (1) and the Conze-Lesigne equation (3) are only valid almost everywhere instead of everywhere, the action of on
is technically only a near-action rather than a genuine action, and as such one cannot directly define
to be the stabiliser of a point without running into multiple problems. To fix this, one has to pass to a topological model of
in which the action becomes continuous, and the stabilizer becomes well defined, although one then has to work a little more to check that the action is still transitive. This can be done via Gelfand duality; we proceed using a mixture of a construction from this book of Host and Kra, and the machinery in this recent paper of Asgar and myself.
Now we discuss how to establish the Conze-Lesigne equation (3) in the cyclic group case . As this group embeds into the torus
, it is easy to use existing methods obtain (3) but with the homomorphism
and the function
taking values in
rather than in
. The main task is then to fix up the homomorphism
so that it takes values in
, that is to say that
vanishes. This only needs to be done locally near the origin, because the claim is easy when
lies in the dense subgroup
, and also because the claim can be shown to be additive in
. Near the origin one can leverage the Steinhaus lemma to make
depend linearly (or more precisely, homomorphically) on
, and because the cocycle
already takes values in
vanishes and
must be an eigenvalue of the system
. But as
was assumed to be separable, there are only countably many eigenvalues, and by another application of Steinhaus and linearity one can then make
vanish on an open neighborhood of the identity, giving the claim.