Resources for displaced mathematicians
What's new 2022-03-02
In this post I would like to collect a list of resources that are available to mathematicians displaced by conflict. I know of the following general resources:
- The IIE Scholar Rescue Fund
- Harvard University’s Scholars at Risk
- The French PAUSE program (National program for the urgent aid and reception of scientists in exile)
There are also resources specific to the current crisis:
- Science for Ukraine (see this web page for some background information on this initiative)
There are also a number of institutes and departments who are willing to extend visiting or adjunct positions to such displaced mathematicians:
- My home department at UCLA, in cooperation with IPAM, is likely to have a position available for such mathematicians. Please contact Dimitri Shylakhtenko for details (a more formal announcement will hopefully be available soon).
- An announcement from Columbia University
- I am aware of some further positions but am awaiting permission to post them here.
If readers have other such resources to contribute, please do so in the comments.
As with the previous post, any purely political comment not focused on such resources will be considered off-topic and thus subject to deletion.