Elias M. Stein Prize for New Perspectives in Analysis
What's new 2023-04-04
The Elias M. Stein Prize for New Perspectives in Analysis is awarded for the development of groundbreaking methods in analysis which demonstrate promise to revitalize established areas or create new opportunities for mathematical discovery. The current prize amount is US$5,000 and the prize is awarded every three years for work published in the preceding six years.
This prize was endowed in 2022 by students, colleagues, and friends of Elias M. Stein (my former advisor) to honor his remarkable legacy in the area of mathematical analysis. Stein, who passed away in 2018, is remembered for identifying many deep principles and methods which transcend their original context, and for opening entirely new areas of research which captivated the attention and imagination of generations of analysts. This prize seeks to recognize mathematicians at any career stage who, like Stein, have found exciting new avenues for mathematical exploration in subjects old or new or made deep insights which demonstrate promise to reshape thinking across areas.
This will be the inaugural year for the prize, and I have agreed to serve on the prize committee. We welcome nominations for the prize, which will be accepted until June 30, 2023, and are seeking a strong and diverse pool of nominees. Nominations (submitted at this link) should include a letter of nomination and a brief citation to be used in the event that the nomination is successful. Alternatively, if you are aware of a strong potential candidate but are not able to provide the nomination yourself, we welcome your suggestion (by private email) along with — if possible — your suggestions of possible nominators.
For questions about this award, please contact the AMS Secretary at secretary@ams.org.