A motivated proof of the MacWilliams Identity
Wildon's Weblog 2018-03-12
Fix and let
. Let
denote the weight of
, defined by
. Given a subset
, we define its weight enumerator
The MacWilliams Identity states that if is a linear subspace of
, and
is its orthogonal complement with respect to the dot product
The MacWilliams Identity is important in coding theory. It was first proved by the coding theorist Jessie MacWilliams, yet another alumnus of Bell Labs. To my mind, the best motivation for its proof comes from certain related identities in binomial coefficients and the generating function techniques used to prove them, which, in turn, are best understood in terms of the characters of cyclic groups.
Binomial coefficients
The Binomial Theorem states that . It has a one-line combinatorial proof: expand
, by choosing
of the
brackets and
from the other
brackets; there are
ways to do this, so
is the coefficient of
Now consider the sum of binomial coefficients with even `denominator’. This can be evaluated using the binomial theorem, using the two sums below to cancel out the unwanted binomial coefficients with odd denominator:
For the sums are
, respectively. Therefore
. More generally, this trick shows that
which already has some of the appearance of the MacWilliams Identity. How about ? Since powers of
worked for the two-step identity, it is reasonable to try powers of
. This gives
By the Binomial Theorem, the sums are ,
. For example, if
, so we have
. Similar formulae can be obtained for the other cases for
Character theory
Consider the cyclic group . It has four irreducible complex characters, taking values
. The previous displayed equation for comes from expressing the indicator function
as a linear combination of irreducible characters
As an exercise, the reader might use the characters of to decompose the indicator function
and so prove the related identity
MacWilliams’ Identity for the repetition code
Let . In this case the left-hand side of the MacWilliams’ Identity is sum of all
of even weight. By analogy with the binomial sum, we write
The first summand is the generating function enumerating all by their weight. Since there are
elements of
of weight
, it is
, which is
by the Binomial Theorem. Replacing
we see that the second summand is
. Therefore
Since , this agrees with the MacWilliams’ Identity. Note that the second sum could be written as
MacWilliams Identity for a larger code
Take and
. Then
We can describe as the intersection of the two codimension
, with ‘normals’
. Thus
For each , we define
; these are the irreducible complex characters of
. Using them to decompose the indicator function
we get
It now suffices to find . If
then, by symmetry, we may assume that
, where there are exactly
ones. Now
records the parity of the number of ones in the first
positions of
, so writing
as the concatenated vector
, we have
as required. (In this case, since is self-dual, we even have
MacWilliams Identity in general
The general proof needs no more ideas than those seen in the previous example. The indicator function decomposition is
and so
as required.