The growth rate for three-colored sum-free sets
Secret Blogging Seminar 2018-03-12
There seems to be a rule that all progress on the cap set problem should be announced on blogs, so let me continue the tradition. Robert Kleinberg, Will Sawin and I have found the rate of growth of three-colored sum-free subsets of , as
. We just don’t know it is that what we’ve found!
The preprint is here.
Let me first explain the problem. Let be an abelian group. A subset
is said to be free of three term arithmetic progressions if there are no solutions to
, other than the trivial solutions
. I’ll write
for the cyclic group of order
. Ellenberg and Giswijt, building on work by Croot, Lev and Pach have recently shown that such an
can have size at most
, which is
. This was the first upper bound better than
, and has set off a storm of activity on related questions.
Robert Kleinberg pointed out the argument extends just as well to bound colored-sets without arithmetic progressions. A colored set is a collection of triples in
, and we see that it is free of arithmetic progressions if we have
if and only if
. So, if
, then this is the same as a set free of three term arithmetic progressions, but the colored version allows us the freedom to set the three coordinates separately.
Moreover, once ,
are treated separately, if
is odd, we may as well replace
and just require that
if and only if
is odd. This is the three-colored sum-free set problem. Three-colored sum-free sets are easier to construct than three-term arithmetic-progression free sets, but the Croot-Lev-Pach/Ellenberg-Giswijt bounds apply to them as well*.
Our result is a matching of upper and lower bounds: There is a constant such that
(1) We can construct three-colored sum-free subsets of of size
(2) For a prime power, we can show that three-colored sum-free subsets of
have size at most
So, what is ? We suspect it is the same number as in Ellenberg-Giswijt, but we don’t know!
When is prime, Ellenberg and Giswijt establish the bound
. Petrov, and independently Naslund and Sawin (in preparation), have extended this argument to prime powers.
In the set , almost all the
-tuples have a particular mix of components. For example, when
, almost all
tuples have roughly
ones and
twos. The number of such
tuples is roughly
, where
is the entropy
In general, let be the probability distribution on
which maximizes entropy, subject to the constraint that the expected value
. Then almost all
-tuples in
have roughly
copies of
, and the number of such
-tuples is grows like
. I’ll call
the EG-distribution.
So Robert and I set out to construct three-colored sum-free sets of size . What we were actually able to do was to construct such sets whenever there was an
-symmetric probability distribution on
such that
was the marginal probability that the first coordinate of
, and the same for the
coordinates. For example, in the
case, if we pick
with probability
with probability
, then the resulting distribution on each of the three coordinates is the EG-distribution
, and we can realize the growth rate of the EG bound for
Will pointed out to us that, if such a probability distribution on does not exist, then we can lower the upper bound! So, here is our result:
Consider all -symmetric probability distributions on
. Let
be the corresponding marginal distribution, with
the probabilty that the first coordinate of
will be
. Let
be the largest value of
for such a
. Then
(1) There are three-colored sum-free subsets of of size
(2) If is a prime power, such sets have size at most
Any marginal of an -symmetric distribution on
has expected value
, so our upper bound is at least as strong as the Ellenberg-Gisjwijt/Petrov-Naslund-Sawin bound. We suspect they are the same: That their optimal probability distribution is such a marginal. But we don’t know!
Here are a few remarks:
(1) The restriction to -symmetric distributions is a notational convenience. Really, all we need is that all three marginals are equal to each other. But we might as well impose
-symmetry because, if all the marginals of a distribution are equal, we can just take the average over all
permutations of that distribution.
(2) Our lower bound does not need to be a prime power. I’d love to know whether the upper bound can also remove that restriction.
(3) If the largest entropy of a marginal comes from a distribution on
with all
, then the marginal distribution is the EG distribution. The problem is about the distributions at the boundary; it seems hard to show that it is always beneficial to perturb inwards.
(4) For , there is more than one distribution on
with the required marginal. One canonical choice would be the one which has largest entropy given that marginal. If the optimal solution has all
, then one can show that it factors as
for some function
* One exception is that Fedor Petrov has lowered the bound for AP free sets in to
, whereas the bound for sum-free is still
. But, as you will see, I am chasing much rougher bounds here.