3 continuing positions at the ANU, in statistics, probability, stochastic analysis, mathematical finance, biomathematics.
Secret Blogging Seminar 2018-03-12
We’ve just posted an ad for up to 3 continuing positions at the Mathematical Sciences Institute, at the Australian National University, in Canberra. (Where I work!)
It’s up on mathjobs, but applicants will need to apply through the university website. Here’s the pitch:
The Mathematical Sciences Institute at the Australian National University is seeking to invigorate its research and teaching profile in the areas of statistics, probability, stochastic analysis, mathematical finance and/or biomathematics/biostatistics. We wish to fill several continuing positions at the Academic Level B and/or Level C (which equates to the position of Associate Professor within the United States of America). Up to 3 full time positions may be awarded.
You will be joining an internationally recognised leading team of academics with a focus on achieving excellence in research and teaching. The Institute comprises of approximately fifty academics, within seven mathematical research programs. Applicants are expected to have an outstanding record in research, teaching and administration. All positions will involve some teaching, in the specialised areas advertised and/or standard mathematics undergraduate courses, but this may be at a reduced level for several years.
It’s a great place to work, excellent opportunities for research grant funding, and a really nice place to live. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the job or living in Canberra.
Please pass this on to friends with relevant interests!
(Oh, and don’t forget those two postdocs I’m hiring in quantum algebra, higher category theory, subfactors, representation theory, etc.)