Science Section

Gödel’s Lost Letter and P=NP 2024-04-27

Alice says “How long is forever?” “Sometimes just one second.” Replies the White Rabbit

Tuesday is a special day for the New York Times—since it always contains the Science Section. This section is current exciting articles on science. We wonder if Alice would find it fun to read—I always love to read it. I hope you do too. David Corcoran was the editor of Science Times and you can read his book on some of the top articles from it here.

Science—A Problem

A sample of an article that you can find in the Science Section is here:

Generative A.I. Arrives in the Gene Editing World of CRISPR. By Cade Metz

The trouble with all of the Science Sections is that they usually cover lots of stuff, but rarely if ever do they cover anything mathematical or anything complexity theory. This has lead us to make up our own Science Section that violates their rule. It will have lots of math and computer science and even complexity theory. I hope you will enjoy it.

Science Section

Here is a fake article that could be in our version of the science section. I hope you like it.

Cicadas Are Emerging Now. How Do They Know When to Come Out? see here.

Scientists are making computer models to better understand how the mysterious insects emerge collectively after more than a decade underground. They are the cicadas and act on cyclic basis: The Great Southern Brood, which emerges across the South and the Midwest every 13 years, has been seen at sites scattered from North Carolina to Georgia. The Northern Illinois Brood, which appears every 17 years in the Midwest.

This has led many to study the cyclic structure of boolean functions. We highlight the interesting paper paper Testing Odd-Cycle-Freeness in Boolean Functions by Arnab Bhattacharyya, Elena Grigorescu, Prasad Raghavendra, Asaf Shapira. They show see …

Open Problems

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