Frontiers in Complexity Theory
Gödel’s Lost Letter and P=NP 2024-05-06
This summer DIMACS will hold an advanced workshop for graduate students in complexity theory. It is on July 29 till August 1. The organizers are: Lijie Chen, Roei Tell, Ryan Williams.
Their goal is to bring together up-and-coming complexity researchers and to introduce them to some recent exciting lines of research in the field.
Workshop attendance does not require specific prior knowledge, beyond interest in complexity theory and mathematical maturity. In particular, the workshop is also open to strong students working in other areas of theoretical computer science who are interested in learning more about recent complexity research.
The workshop will include keynote lectures by Avi Wigderson (IAS) and Ryan Williams (MIT). Also planned are:
Meta-complexity, taught by Rahul Ilango (MIT). Error-correcting codes, taught by Swastik Kopparty (U Toronto). Algebraic complexity, taught by Nutan Limaye (IT University of Copenhagen). Derandomization, taught by Roei Tell (U Toronto).
A presentation of the new C3 locally testable code, by Lijie Chen is also planned.
Open Problems
The size of the event is limited — please visit here for instructions about applying.