Gödel’s Lost Letter and P=NP 2024-05-09
The organizers of a conference on this topic is on July 3-5, 2024 at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland are:
Wojciech Szpankowski the Director of the Center for Science of Information at Purdue University
Marek Zaionc (UJ, Poland) the Professor and Head of the Foundations of Computer Science group at Jagiellonian University
See the poster of the conference that is on logic and related topics—it looks wonderful and I hope many can be there.
The Conference
Here is a link that gives all the information you need about it. The hope is that you will be able to attend this exciting event. Here is the lead in on the viewpoint of the conference:
Information, computation, and logic are defining concepts of the modern era. Shannon laid the foundation of information theory, demonstrating that problems of communication and compression can be precisely modeled, formulated, and analyzed. Turing formalized computation defined as the transformation of information by means of algorithms. Godel established modern foundation of logic, laying the foundation for modern computer science and science of information.
Open Problems
I could not list all the talks. But here is Avi Wigderson’s talk on errors in proofs. Just a sample of the interesting topics covered.