John Wright joins UT Austin
Shtetl-Optimized 2019-08-20

I’m delighted to announce that quantum computing theorist John Wright will be joining the computer science faculty at UT Austin in Fall 2020, after he finishes a one-year postdoc at Caltech.
John made an appearance on this blog a few months ago, when I wrote about the new breakthrough by him and Anand Natarajan: namely, that MIP* (multi-prover interactive proofs with entangled provers) contains NEEXP (nondeterministic double-exponential time). Previously, MIP* had only been known to contain NEXP (nondeterministic single exponential time). So, this is an exponential expansion in the power of entangled provers over what was previously known and believed, and the first proof that entanglement actually increases the power of multi-prover protocols, rather than decreasing it (as it could’ve done a priori). Even more strikingly, there seems to be no natural stopping point: MIP* might soon swallow up arbitrary towers of exponentials or even the halting problem (!). For more, see for example this Quanta article, or this post by Thomas Vidick, or this short story [sic] by Henry Yuen.
John grew up in Texas, so he’s no stranger to BBQ brisket or scorching weather. He did his undergrad in computer science at UT Austin—my colleagues remember him as a star—and then completed his PhD with Ryan O’Donnell at Carnegie Mellon, followed by a postdoc at MIT. Besides the work on MIP*, John is also well-known for his 2015 work with O’Donnell pinning down the sample complexity of quantum state tomography. Their important result, a version of which was independently obtained by Haah et al., says that if you want to learn an unknown d-dimensional quantum mixed state ρ to a reasonable precision, then ~d2 copies of ρ are both necessary and sufficient. This solved a problem that had personally interested me, and already plays a role in, e.g., my work on shadow tomography and gentle measurements.
Our little quantum information center at UT Austin is growing rapidly. Shyam Shankar, a superconducting qubits guy who previously worked in Michel Devoret’s group at Yale, will also be joining UT’s Electrical and Computer Engineering department this fall. I’ll have two new postdocs—Andrea Rocchetto and Yosi Atia—as well as new PhD students. We’ll continue recruiting this coming year, with potential opportunities for students, postdocs, faculty, and research scientists across the CS, physics, and ECE departments as well as the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). I hope you’ll consider applying to join us.
With no evaluative judgment attached, I can honestly say that this is an unprecedented time for quantum computing as a field. Where once faculty applicants struggled to make a case for quantum computing (physics departments: “but isn’t this really CS?” / CS departments: “isn’t it really physics?” / everyone: “couldn’t this whole QC thing, like, all blow over in a year?”), today departments are vying with each other and with industry players and startups to recruit talented people. In such an environment, we’re fortunate to be doing as well as we are. We hope to continue to expand.
Meanwhile, this was an unprecedented year for CS hiring at UT Austin more generally. John Wright is one of at least four new faculty (probably more) who will be joining us. It’s a good time to be in CS.
A huge welcome to John, and hook ’em Hadamards!
(And for US readers: have a great 4th! Though how could any fireworks match the proof of the Sensitivity Conjecture?)