September newsflash
Power Overwhelming 2024-09-06
Publicity announcements for all things Evan:
Twitch stream schedule
Twitch Solves ISL will resume on September 13, 2024 and September 20, 2024 at the usual time. Then a two-week break (because I’m traveling on both September 27 and October 4), and then continuing on Fridays for some to-be-determined number of weeks. Check the calendar.
In addition, this Sunday (September 8) at 7PM EDT [EDIT: meant Sunday! agh], by popular request from the otters, I’ll be streaming a session where I work on part of the calculation that I need for my PhD thesis. It’s not going to make any sense so I dunno why people want to see it, but give the kiddos what they want. If it goes well I might run more of them.
USEMO dates
USEMO 2024 will take place 26 October 2024 – 27 October 2024 and is open to US students, see the webpage for details. Volunteering for grading is also open, see for details.
0xPARC’s book preview
Some of you might have noticed on my Instagram a picture of a stuffed animal reading a book with my name as one of the editors. If you’re curious, the drafts of this book (which is still a work-in-progress) are actually publicly viewable now at But this is a behinds-the-scene preview, so expect things to be pretty rough still at this stage.
OTIS X is underway, but you can still join if you want (up until April 2025 or so) by filling out a late application. See for the instructions for this.
We’ll have a mock AIME this year as well, like last year, but the exact date and time are still TBD.
Galactic Puzzle Hunt 2024
GPH begins 20 September 2024: You should check it out :) I’ll be participating as well.
Napkin updates
After 10 years, the cover of the Napkin finally has an artwork piece as well! Thanks to Jenny Chu and Lanie Deng for drawing it. See

Also, it’s now possible to download individual parts to Napkin, closing a long-standing feature request for people who don’t want to download the entire 1000-page PDF just to see a specific chapter. See for this.