Two updates on the EGMO textbook

Power Overwhelming 2022-11-24

Couple Thanksgiving presents for y’all:

Errata List now on GitHub

  • The list of errata is now version controlled on GitHub: So now you can actually see a changelog of the ocean of typos as they come in. Shout-out to the crew working on the Japanese translation of the book for finding way more errors than I will ever care to admit (I didn’t count, but it’s probably in the 200-300 ballpark).

Automatically Generated EGMO Solutions Treasury (AGEST)

  • I took a snapshot my database entries for sourced problems in EGMO. It turns out that I have many written up already, so we now have something of a solutions manual for about half the problems or so. Since I like idiotic names, I dubbed it the Automatically Generated EGMO Solutions Treasury. You can download it here: