People who live through two square years
Computational Complexity 2025-01-26
45*45=2025. This year!
46*46= 2116.
Since my fake birthday is Oct 1, 1960 (I do not reveal my real birthday to try to prevent ID theft), which is past 1936, and I won't live to 2116 unless Quantum-AI finds a way to put my brain in a a vat, I will not see two square years in my life :-(
Since I keep a list of celebrities (defined as people I know who have some fame - so its subjective) who are over 80, I have a LIST of celebrities who were born in 1936 or earlier. I was going to list them in this post but there are to many. So I list those that I think my readers care about, and point to the full list.
Here are people who have lived through two squares who I think you care about. I leave out how old they are or what year they were born. They are in alphabetical order by their first names. I put a * next to the people who, in 1936, were AWARE that it was a square year. So the starred names are those who truly ENJOYED living through 2 square years.
NAME KNOWN TO US FOR Andrzej Ehrenfeucht Math. EF-games (he is the E) Anil Nerode Math- Recursive Math Aviezri Fraenkel Math-Combinatorial Games Buzz Aldrin Walked on the moon Charles Duke Walked on the moon. Dana Scott Math-CS. Prog Langs. Turing Award David Scott Walked on the moon Dirk Van Dalen Math- Logic Eric Hirsch Jr American Educator * Harrison Schmidt Walked on the Moon. Harry Furstenberg Math-Ergodic methods in Ramsey Theory. Heisuka Hironik Math-Algebraic Geom-Fields Medal Herman Chernoff Math-Probability * Jack Edmonds CS. Theorist. James Watson Biologist-The Double Helix. Nobel Prize with Crick.* Jane Goodall Zoologist and Activist Jean-Pierre Serre Math. Algebraic X. Fields Medal.* John Thompson Math. Group Theory. Fields Medal, Abel Prize Micahel Rabin CS/ Math. Theorsit. Turing Award. Noam Chomsky Linguistics. Did work on Grammars Richard Friedberg Physicist. Also invented Priority method in Rec Theory. Richard Karp CS. Theorist. Turing Award. . Richard Stearns CS. Theorist. Turing Award. Stephen Smale Math-Lots of Stuff Tom Baker Actor-Dr. Who. Tom Lehrer Math/Novelty songs..* Tony Hoare CS. PL. Turing Award. Volker Strassen Math-CS. Walter Koenig Actor. Star Trek William Shatner Actor- Star Trek
For my complete list see here
It is currently impossible for someone to live through three square years (again, unless they get their brain in a vat, or some other not-yet-invented mechanism). In a much earlier era it was possible:
So if you were born in 400 and lived to be 84 years old, three squares! While MOST people didn't live that long back then, SOME did.
Born in the year 100, live to be 44 years old. Was the calendar well established by then?
Reminds me of a great line from A Funny Think Happened on the Way to the Forum, a musical that takes place in the early AD's. The character Pseudolus says:
(Looking at a bottle of wine) Was 1 a good year?