The Mystical Bond Between Man and Machine

Computational Complexity 2018-08-02

You just can't watch a movie these days without being inundated with trailers. First came Axl, a movie about a boys love for a military robotic dog.   "It's only a robot," says his father. "It's an intelligent robot" replies the kid. Then comes the generic ET-like story of the government coming for the robot. Next came a trailer for a movie that start off with Hailee Steinfeld discovering a VW bug with the background voice going "The driver don't pick the car. The car picks the driver". I'm thinking it's either a new Herbie movie or Transformers. Spoiler: Transformers. "There's a mystical bond between man and machine" the voice intones. Followed by action that looks just like Axl. Movie love for machines is hardly new. You can go back to Her or Short Circuit or even Metropolis in 1927. But in an age that parents worry about their kids being rude to Alexa perhaps this mystical bond is starting to get just a little too real.