Soliciting answers for THIRD survey about P vs NP

Computational Complexity 2018-08-02

I have done two surveys for SIGACT NEWS Complextiy Column (edited by Lane Hemaspaandra) on P vs NP and related topics.  Lane has asked me to do a third. I annouced it in my open problems column here For those who don't read SIGACT news 1) You should! 2) Here is where to go to fill out the survey: here bill g. P.S. (do people use P.S. anymore? Do young people know that it means Post Script, and that it does not refer to ps-files?) A commenter requested I add what the DEADLINE for responding was. I originally thought people would read the post and immediately respond (and I HAVE had a BIG uptick in responses in the last day). I still believe this. BUT there are people who read the blog days, weeks, months, even years after I post it (though the comments we get on very old posts tend to contain clicks for good deals on Tuxedo's (I am serious. Tuxedo's? Not well targeted unless they count my Tuxedo T-shirt). Okay, enough babbling -- the point is that I should have a deadline for those who read the blog later than now. DEADLINE: Oct 1, 2018. STRICT! P.P.S - does anyone use P.P.S anymore?