I tell my class that P is important because... but is that really true?

Computational Complexity 2018-08-02

When teaching P vs NP  the questions arises (and if not then I bring it up) what if you have algorithm in P that takes n^{100} time?. Or even n^{5} time which might be too long. I have given the following answers for years; however, I post this and will use your comments as a sanity check. In fact, I suspect I am wrong on some points. 1) IF SAT was in P then something very clever was done. Even if its n^{100} it was very clever. That cleverness will almost surely result in other better algorithms. They may only be better in practice by not in theory (it works in practice- if only we can get it to work in theory :-) ), but it will still work and be a great advance. 2) IF SAT was in P then perhaps we could USE SAT in P to get a better algorithm for SAT in P. This was the theme of a chapter in Lance Fortnow's book The Golden Ticket: P, NP. and the search for the impossible and is also likely behind something I once heard (I think it was from Scott but I can't find it on his blog)  If P=NP then math would be easy and we would have already found a proof that P=NP. Hence P ≠ NP The two above really can't be WRONG or even RIGHT or even NOT EVEN WRONG since they are speculations. The next few is where I need my sanity checked 3) Whenever a real world natural problem is in P it has a low degree poly algorithm OR there are ideas to make it work in practice, if not in theory. When Lance read a prior version of this post he pointed out that `real world natural problem' is not a well defined term. True. Not sure what to do about that. Even so, is this true? roughly true? Something theorists say to be able to sleep at night? 4) In the real world people say ``OH- the problem is NP-complete. Better look for approx solutions instead''  Or similar things. While this sounds true since I have never worked in the real world I really don't know. Is that what people say? do? 5) If Lance proves P=NP next week then the consequences are enormous for real people working on real computing problems. But what if Lance proves P NE NP? Would that affect people working on real computing problems? A long time Carl Smith told me If P NE NP was proven then the proof would have great insight into computing which would have a real affect on real people working on real computing problems. My Darling (who is a Software Engineer) is skeptical of that. What do you think?