Call for talk nominations – HALG 2022

Computational Complexity 2021-12-16

[Guest post by Keren Censor-Hillel]

7th Highlights of Algorithms conference (HALG 2022)

LSE London, June 1-3, 2022 ​ The HALG 2022 conference seeks high-quality nominations for invited talks that will highlight recent advances in algorithmic research appearing in a paper in 2021 or later.

To nominate, please email the following information in plaintext only:

  • Basic details: title of paper, authors, conference/arxiv links, suggested speaker
  • Brief justification: Focus on the benefits to the audience, e.g., quality of results, importance/relevance of topic, clarity of talk, speaker’s presentation skills.

Nominations will be reviewed by the Program Committee to select speakers that will be invited to the conference. Nomination deadline: January 14, 2022

Please go to for general information on HALG and for information about previous HALG meetings.

Keren Censor-Hillel PC chair for HALG 2022