Young Sheldon gets two things spot-on/Am I more famous than.../Might YS become TS?
Computational Complexity 2023-10-09
Young Sheldon is a TV show that I used to only watch on airplanes, but then i got into it and am now up to date. The wonders of technology! Note that catching up on a show would have been harder when I was a kid. (This is NOT a we had it rough in my day thing.)
1) There is an episode where Sheldon, his professor, and his Meemaw (grandmother) collaborate. When its done Meemaw is disappointed to here that all they have is a prototype and the real experiment will need a machine as big as the building they are in and won't be done for 30 years. Contrast this to when a TV show shows people proving P=NP on a Monday and using it to do stuff on Tuesday (I blogged about this here). And there are other examples where a basic science discovery is useful in far less time then it would be in the real world.
2) A young Sheldon Cooper has the idea for bitcoin and explains it to his brother. His brother is not as smart as Sheldon in math and science but DOES understand business. As such, he gave the best description of bitcoin I ever heard here.
3) I looked up the actress who plays Missy (Sheldon's twin sister) on Young Sheldon. I got the name off of the Young Sheldon page but she does not have a Wikipedia entry. I do have a Wikipedia page. That doesn't seem right since I am sure that more people say
I want to know more about the actress who plays Missy on Young Sheldon.
then say
I want to know more about that guy who coblogs with Lance.
The set of people who have Wikipedia page seems somewhat arbitrary.
4) Iain Armitage plays young Sheldon.
In Season 6 Sheldon is 13. See timeline of Young Sheldon In Season 6 Iain A is 15. See Wikipedia Page for Iain A If the actors strike goes on for 2 more years then Iain will be a 17 year old playing a 14 year old. That might not work. They may need to change the name of the show to Teen Sheldon. The show itself joked about this (intentionally?). When Sheldon is watching Beverly Hills 90210 he asks his father George do you know why this character is depressed ? George answers because he's a teenage who looks 30 years old. But the real question is- might the strike really affect Child Actors who age-out faster than they would have? I know this is a minor problem compared to the other problems actors have, but I thought it was worth noting.