Online seminar on complexity starting now

Thoughts 2025-01-08

Class topics are flexible but should include topics relevant to a wide variety of interests. We will use the book “Mathematics of the impossible” on my homepage. Chapters 12 — 18 give a good sense of what we’ll cover, and we are starting now with 13 (pseudorandomness). (Note new chapter on expanders, more on this later.)

Class is “flipped” you read and attempt the exercises before class, and meeting times are for review and discussion. Students also present select proofs and advanced material/research papers.

If you are interested in participating, let me know. This is in part an experiment, the online equivalent of attending a class at a nearby institution, very widespread here in the Boston area; and I can’t handle more than a handful of extra students, on a first-come-first-served. But if you are motivated to learn the material, have background in complexity, and have the time, this might be for you. If that’s the case drop me a line, and let me know what time you cannot meet due to conflicts, in EST.

Finally, because the class is online, a tip: Either print, or use the new e-ink, rlcd, tlcd monitors; don’t read on screen using “old” (yet common) monitor technology. More on recent technology later on this blog, also see earlier posts on e-ink .