Winter School on Expansion in Groups, Combinatorics, and Complexity
Combinatorics and more 2024-12-29
Next week in Weizmann Institute there will be a Winter school in expansion in groups combinatorics and complexity. (The link includes abstracts for the lectures.)
Dates: January 5-8, 2025 Venue: The beautiful Lopatie conference center, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. Registration: Registration is free but mandatory. Click [here] for a link to the registration page. Organizers: Irit Dinur and Thomas Vidick
This workshop will have several mini-courses that will go in depth into a topic, together with several more standard one-hour lectures. Here is the program. (In square brackets related posts.)
Workshop Speakers
- Michael Chapman, NYU(minicourse), Inapproximability of Graphs and Algebraic Structures Using Interactive Proofs — Resolving the Aldous–Lyons Conjecture and the Connes’ Embedding Problem. [1, Item VIII]; [2].
- Gil Cohen, Tel-Aviv University (minicourse), Analytic Approaches to Spectral Graph Theory: Insights from Free Probability. [3].
- Esty Kelman, MIT and Boston University, Sparse Graph Counting and Applications to Systems of Linear Forms. [4, math. item 7].
- Guy Kindler, Hebrew University, Hypercontractivity. [5];[6].
- Nir Lazarovich, Technion(minicourse), Groups Acting on Cubical Complexes. [7].
- Noam Lifshitz, Hebrew University, Product Mixing in Groups. [4, math. item 9]
- Alex Lubotzky, Weizmann, Group Approximation.
- Dor Minzer, MIT(minicourse), Recent Advances in PCPs and Adjacent Areas. (I did not blog about it, but [4, math. item 11], and [1, Item IV] are related.)
- Pavel Panteleev, Moscow State University, Quantum LDPC Codes from HDXs. [8].
- Izhar Oppenheim, Ben Gurion University, Coboundary expansion in coset complexes.
- Noga Ron Zewi, Haifa University, Highly-Efficient Local Proofs and Codes.
- Dani Wise, Weizmann, Special Cube Complexes. [7](maybe).
- Amir Yehudayoff, University of Copenhagen (KU) & Technion, Finite Coxeter groups.