Jiaoyang Huang, Theo Mckenzie, Horng-Tzer Yau: Ramanujan Property and Edge Universality of Random Regular Graphs
Combinatorics and more 2025-01-12
A central problem in combinatorics, probability theory, and analysis is to understand the spectrum of random d-regular graphs G with vertices. The following paper marks a huge leap in our understanding of this problem.
Ramanujan Property and Edge Universality of Random Regular Graphs, by Jiaoyang Huang, Theo Mckenzie, and Horng-Tzer Yau.
Abstract: We consider the normalized adjacency matrix of a random
-regular graph on
vertices with any fixed degree
and denote its eigenvalues as
We establish the following two results as
- (i) With high probability, all eigenvalues are optimally rigid, up to an additional
factor. Specifically, the fluctuations of bulk eigenvalues are bounded by
, and the fluctuations of edge eigenvalues are bounded by
- (ii) Edge universality holds for random
-regular graphs. That is, the distributions of
converge to the Tracy-Widom distribution associated with the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble.
As a consequence, for sufficiently large
, approximately
-regular graphs on $N$ vertices are Ramanujan, meaning
This new terrific paper connects to some of the most exciting developments in mathematics of the last fifty years:
(1) Random matrix theory, the Tracy-Widom theory and universatility.
The joint probability density of eigenvalues in random matrices is expressed by the following formula:
where β=1,2,4 corresponds to different random matrix ensembles (GOE, GUE, etc.), (though other values of β are also important!). This formula gives a lot of information on the distribution of individual eigenvalues. See also this post of Terry Tao on the Gaussian ensembles in random matrix theory.
In the early 1990s, Craig Tracy and Harold Widom identified the distribution of the normalized largest eigenvalue of a random Hermitian matrix (GOE, β=1) and for random unitary matrix (GUE, β=2). The new paper proves universality for incidence graphs of d-regular graphs. Here “universality” means that “after proper normalization and shifts, spectral statistics agree with those from GOE.” (This was conjectured by Sarnak and by Miller, Novikoff, and Sabelli.)
Random matrix theory also has important applications in combinatorics, physics, and number theory. For example, Baik, Deift, and Johansson established a connection between the Tracy-Widom distribution and combinatorics in their 1999 paper, On the distribution of the length of the longest increasing subsequence of random permutations.
(2) Ramanujan graphs.
Ramanujan graphs were constructed in the 1980s independently by Margulis and by Lubotzky, Philips and Sarnak (who also coined the term).
Consider the adjacency matrix of a d-regular graph G with n vertices. The eigenvalues d and −d are trivial: d always appears, while −d appears only if G is bipartite. A graph is called a Ramanujan graph if all its nontrivial eigenvalues belong to the interval
A theorem of Alon and Boppana asserts that for every there are only finitely many d-regular graphs that all their non-trivial eigenvalues have absolute value less than
. (Note that Huang, Mckenzie, and Yau further normalize the adjacency matrices so that the interval becomes [-2,2] for every d.)
Complete graphs and complete bipartite graphs are Ramanujan and the challenge is to construct Ramanujan graphs where the degree d is fixed and the number of vertices n is large. The Ramanujan property proved by Margulis and Lubotzky, Philips and Sarnak for the graphs they constructed relies on deep number theory. The original Ramanujan graphs (both bipartite and not) by Margulis and Lubotzky, Philips and Sarnak had degrees which were of the form p+1, where p is a prime. Moshe Morgenstern extended this to degrees of the form q+1 for every prime power q.
A decade ago, Marcus, Spielman, and Srivastava introduced a new construction for arbitrary degrees in the bipartite case using Bilu-Linial graph lifting (see the 2013 post New Ramanujan graphs).
However, a major open question remained
Are there d-regular Ramanujan (non-bipartite) graphs when d is not a prime power?
As far as I know, this question is answered in the affirmative for the first time by Huang, Mckenzie, and Yau in the new paper.
(3) Random regular graphs
In 2008, Joel Friedman proved that a random d-regular graph is, with high probability, nearly Ramanujan — a result that confirmed a conjecture by Noga Alon. A graph is said to be nearly Ramanujan if its nontrivial eigenvalues lie within the interval . We reported in earlier posts about a simple proof by Charles Bordenave and a related recent result by Chen, Garza-Vargas, Tropp, and van Handel. Let me also mention Doron Puder’s 2014 beautiful paper: Expansion of random graphs: new proofs, new results.
A major open question was
Are random d-regular graphs Ramanujan? Are random 3-regular graphs Ramanujan?
Early in the study of Ramanujan graphs, opinions were divided. Peter Sarnak conjectured that the answer is negative with high probability as the number of vertices tends to infinity, while Noga Alon conjectured the opposite—that it is positive with high probability. The two even made a bet about this question, though the exact terms of the wager were eventually forgotten.
Subsequent computer simulations suggested that the probability of a random graph being Ramanujan lies strictly between 0 and 1. This observation aligns with conjectures by Sarnak, Miller, Novikoff, and Sabelli. The new paper computes the precise probability. A random d-regular graph is Ramanujan with probability where
is roughly 0.69, (this constant remains the same across all values of d).
There is a rich theory of random regular graphs with many exciting results and problems. Let me mention a 1994 paper of Wormald, brought to my attention by Geva Yashfe, asserting that with high probability random 3-regular graphs are 3-edge colorable (and even Hamiltonian).
Thanks to Nati Linial and Peter Sarnak who told me about the new paper.
Two slightly related stories
(1) The Tracy-Widom distribution is expected to emerge in the context of first passage planar percolation. However, proving this result seems far out of reach at present.
(2) A decade ago or so, Yuval Peres told me that that familiarity with the law of iterated logarithms serves as a good test of one’s knowledge of probability theory. This remark motivated me to study the law, to ask multiple experts to explain it to me, and to try to come up with related problems to test my intuition. This led me to pose a question on MathOverflow Laws of Iterated Logarithm for Random Matrices and Random Permutation.
Elliot Paquette and Ofer Zeitouni later resolved my problem for random matrices in their paper Extremal eigenvalue fluctuations in the GUE minor process and the law of fractional logarithm. A year later, when I met Yuval again and shared my progress in understanding the law of iterated logarithm with him, Yuval remarked that while the law of iterated logarithms is a necessary condition for understanding probability theory, it is not sufficient .
Another connection is that the law of iterated logarithm is related to the genesis of the Khintchin inequalities. (This is briefly described (with references) in Ron Blei’s book Analysis in Integer and Fractional Dimensions. ) Khintchin’s inequality is a grandparent of hypercontractive inequalities which have broad applications in combinatorics, including results related to first passage percolation, and even a little for random matrices.