Applied Category Theory Course (Part 2)
Azimuth 2018-04-08
My applied category theory course based on Fong and Spivak’s book Seven Sketches is going well. Over 250 people have registered for the course, which allows them to ask question and discuss things. But even if you don’t register you can read my “lectures”:
• Lecture 2 – What is Applied Category Theory?
• Lecture 3 – Chapter 1: Posets.
• Lecture 4 – Chapter 1: Galois Connections.
• Lecture 5 – Chapter 1: Galois Connections.
• Lecture 6 – Chapter 1: Computing Adjoints.
• Lecture 7 – Chapter 1: Logic.
• Lecture 8 – Chapter 1: The Logic of Subsets.
• Lecture 9 – Chapter 1: Adjoints and the Logic of Subsets.
Next I’ll turn to the logic of partitions, the main theme of Chapter 1.
If you want to discuss these things, please visit the Azimuth Forum and register! Use your full real name as your username, with no spaces, and use a real working email address. If you don’t, I won’t be able to register you. Your email address will be kept confidential.
I’m finding this course a great excuse to put my thoughts about category theory into a more organized form, and it’s displaced most of the time I used to spend on Google+ and Twitter. That’s what I wanted: the conversations in the course are more interesting!