Oxford University Press
POL - publication outcomes 2018-04-24
Relevant series Communication and Society
Editor contact
There doesn’t seem to be an relevant editor in their contacts list. https://global.oup.com/academic/contactus/editorial
Closest editors would be Hallie Stebbins, Communication Studies and Linguistics editor; and Olivia Wells, Politics and International Relations editor. Contact via online forms.
Submission details https://global.oup.com/academic/authors/proposals/
Book proposal details Depending on the type of book you wish to write, you may expect to submit a proposal containing some or all of the following items:
• Synopsis - setting out the purpose and approach of the proposed book.
• Outline of contents - a list of chapters including the main subheadings of each, with an estimate of the number of words or printed pages in each chapter. For books written by a team or edited volumes, this should include the name and affiliation of the suggested author(s) for each chapter, and a note of whether they have agreed to contribute
• Draft preface - this should be about 500 words long and summarize your aims, scope, general approach, and intended audience.
• A covering letter or note - setting out details of: the author's suitability and motivation for pursuing the project; the proposed readership; the ways in which the proposed book fits in with and/or improves upon the existing books and information resources on the market; the manner in which the writing would be approached; any special points of style, structure or presentation; the proposed writing timetable and completion date; any plans for keeping the book up to date after publication; in the case of a book to be written by a team, an indication of the way in which the writing process will be managed to ensure a consistent and coherent outcome in terms of the finished book.
• A curriculum vitae - including details of any relevant experience and a list of any previous publications (books and/or articles); in the case of a writing team, similar details for each contributor.
• Other supporting materials.