Rowman and Littlefield

POL - publication outcomes 2018-04-24


Relevant series           

- Critical Perspectives on Theory, Culture and Politics

- Radical Cultural Studies (


Editor contacts

Elizabeth P. Swayze

Executive Acquisitions Editor for Communication and Media Studies

Phone: (978) 897-2789


Lindsey Porambo

Acquisitions Editor for Literary Studies, Cultural Studies, and Music


Submission details

Book proposal details  To submit a proposal to Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, send the following information to the appropriate acquisitions editor for your subject by email attachment (preferable) or hard copy. Please include the following:

Prospectus: a description of the book; a statement regarding what makes it important, timely, or unique; an analysis of competing or similar books (including publishers and dates of publication); a description of your target audience (general readers? undergraduate or graduate students? scholars? professionals?); an indication if any of the material in the book has been previously published, and, if so, when and where and whether republication rights are available; the length of the manuscript in word count; and, if the manuscript is not complete, an estimation of when it will be finished.

Outline. An annotated table of contents, including a paragraph describing each chapter.

Curriculum vitae or resume. In short, what qualifies you to write the book you are proposing? If you are proposing a contributed volume, please include affiliations and, if possible, brief resumes for each of the contributors.

Writing samples. One or two sample chapters. If an introduction or overview is available, please include it. If no chapters are ready, send a comparable example of your writing.

Peer reviewers. A list of four to seven potential peer reviewers, with whom you have no personal or professional relationship,



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Date tagged:

04/24/2018, 22:26

Date published:

04/24/2018, 18:26