​​Issuance of Amended Venezuela-related General Licenses; Issuance of New Venezuela-related Frequently Asked Question

OFAC RSS Feed 2019-08-20


The Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is amending Venezuela-related General License 7A, "Authorizing Certain Activities Involving PDV Holding, Inc. and CITGO Holding, Inc.,” General License 8 “Authorizing Transactions Involving Petroleós de Venezuela, S.A. (PdVSA) Prohibited by Executive Order 13850 for Certain Entities Operating in Venezuela,” and General License 13, “Authorizing Certain Activities Involving Nynas AB” to clarify these general licenses do not authorize transactions or dealings related to the exportation or reexportation of diluents, directly or indirectly, to Venezuela. Additionally, OFAC is issuing corresponding FAQ 672 to provide further guidance with respect to restrictions regarding diluents.



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Sun War » OFAC RSS Feed


Date tagged:

08/20/2019, 19:26

Date published:

06/06/2019, 12:00