JEMO | A project to facilitate the discovery of Open Access (OA) articles from hybrid journals and to produce JournalTOCs consortia versions for library groupings
acavaminombre's bookmarks 2018-06-14
"Here is the presentation given by Santiago Chumbe at the ELPUB 2015 Conference in Malta, on 2 September 2015.
The contribution presents a number of case studies which show that research published as Open Access (OA) in hybrid journals, ends up erroneously being labelled as non-OA on the discovery services used by researchers to access full-text articles. From those experiences we draw answers to the main question of this presentation: which solution should be used to enable OA discovery from hybrid journals? The study shows that publishers are prepared and more willing to implement the simplest of the available solutions in their publishing workflow, namely using DC and CC metadata elements. The case studies demonstrate that publishers do not intend to hide their Open Access articles behind subscription walls; it is, rather, a question of whether the e-journals delivery chain is propagating the appropriate forms of access in the right places. The conclusion is that that enabling programmatic identification of OA at the article level would resolve the problem and enhance current services; hence benefiting both the research community and the OA hybrid business model."