News - Liverpool University Press journal, Francosphères, to flip to full open-access with funding from the Open Library of Humanities

acavaminombre's bookmarks 2018-06-19


"We are extremely pleased to announce that our international library partners have voted to accept Francosphères' application to join the Open Library of Humanities. This is part of our partnership with Liverpool University Press, and is the second journal – following Quaker Studies last year– that has moved from a subscription model to our full open-access model. Francosphères is a highly respected journal devoted to transcultural and intercultural French Studies edited by an international team based in Paris, Oxford and London. Established in 2012 to support recent advances in postcolonial and gender theory, the journal has been publishing articles in English and French that seek to explore and interrogate the presence of French language and culture across frontiers and borders and how this is legitimated in ‘Francophone’ culture."


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Date tagged:

06/19/2018, 15:31

Date published:

06/19/2018, 13:08