Sharing is Caring - Statens Museum for Kunst

acavaminombre's bookmarks 2018-06-21


"Cultural heritage belongs to everyone. It was created by – and for – all kinds of people. The digitisation of physical heritage objects enables them to move out of storage rooms, library shelves, and file drawers, and land in the hands of the worlds’ citizens. When cultural heritage is digital, there is nothing standing in the way of sharing and reusing it. It can be sampled, remixed, embedded, it can illustrate new stories and move into new media, it can adorn books, posters, and public spaces, advance research and make ideas and creativity blossom. When cultural heritage is digital, open and shareable, it becomes common property, something that is right at hand every day. It becomes a part of us."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » acavaminombre's bookmarks

Tags: oa.libre

Date tagged:

06/21/2018, 11:49

Date published:

06/21/2018, 07:49