Open Science Archives · Yerun

acavaminombre's bookmarks 2018-07-03


"The Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN) is committed to actively support the transition towards Open Science. The YERUN members agree that this transition requires not only investments in infrastructures and skills-building, but also a cultural shift in the way research is performed and rewarded. As an active member of the EU Open Science Policy platform, YERUN develops alternatives and provides recommendations to making Open Science a reality. However, active leadership and determination are needed to overcome existing challenges and promote a coherent implementation of this transition. In the coming years, the YERUN members will share experiences and resources, pilot (joint) actions and encourage best-practice exchange across the network and beyond. In doing so, YERUN aims to be a pioneer in the transition process."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » acavaminombre's bookmarks


Date tagged:

07/03/2018, 10:04

Date published:

07/03/2018, 06:04