Open Access levels of Dutch universities' output 2016-2017 (articles & reviews): green, gold, hybrid and bronze - May 2018 | Zenodo

acavaminombre's bookmarks 2018-07-03


"Our previous analysis  (10.5281/zenodo.1133759 and 10.7287/peerj.preprints.3520v1) looked at OA classification as included in Web of Science (gold and green OA, based on Unpaywall data), and supplemented that with a breakdown of gold OA into pure gold, hybrid and bronze, taken from Unpaywall data (formerly OADOI) directly. Here, we improve on this by running all DOIs retrieved from WoS through Unpaywall data (using their web interface that allows batch checking of up to 10,000 DOIs at a time). Unlike WoS, Unpaywall data itself includes author-submitted versions in their green OA classification, resulting in more complete green OA levels."


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Date tagged:

07/03/2018, 21:53

Date published:

07/03/2018, 17:53