Why Sci-Hub is illegal, and what you can do about it | engineuring

acavaminombre's bookmarks 2018-07-09


"Sci-Hub is oftenly presented as an illegal way to get access to paywalled research papers, and hence, in some way inferior to the other options, like:

– send an email to the authors of the manuscript and ask them to send you a copy;

– search Google Scholar, perhaps the paper is available somewhere; etc. Indeed, Sci-Hub emerged in 2011 to surpass these ‘legal’ methods. Researchers were doing these for years and decades, even before email was invented: asking authors and other researchers to send them a copy of the paper."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » acavaminombre's bookmarks


Date tagged:

07/09/2018, 10:04

Date published:

07/09/2018, 06:04