La pirate des publications scientifiques

acavaminombre's bookmarks 2018-07-09


Translation - Google Translate: "In 2011, when Alexandra Elbakyan created Sci-Hub, a clandestine scientific library online, she just wants to access the expensive scientific literature in order to work. The University of Astana, Kazakhstan, where she is studying neuroscience, does not have the means to provide her with access to all the scientific articles she needs to develop, like any researcher, a bibliography describing the state of the art. of the art of his problematic. The young student then invents a way to download scientific articles very quickly without paying for them. Today, thousands of Internet users, mostly researchers, use it daily. Researchers had already been practicing for a long time, by mail and then by e-mail or on an Internet forum, the exchange of scientific articles. But after having retrieved a certain number of publications for her or for her colleagues, the young student decides to automate the procedure."


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Date tagged:

07/09/2018, 10:22

Date published:

07/09/2018, 06:22