OpenAIRE alternative funding for non-author fee publishing platforms: New Platforms for Open Access Book Distribution : OpenAIRE blog

acavaminombre's bookmarks 2018-07-09


The New Platforms project met for its final workshop on 25th June. The workshop was hosted by the Centre for Post-Digital Cultures at Coventry University. Present were representatives from most of the presses on the project, including Joe Deville and Julien McHardy (Mattering Press), Andreas Kirchner (Meson Press), Rupert Gatti and Alessandra Tosi (Open Book Publishers), Janneke Adema and Gary Hall (Open Humanities Press / Centre for Post-Digital Cultures), Eileen Joy and Vincent van Gerven Oei (Punctum Books), as well as Martin Keegan, the project developer (who also works for Open Book Publishers), and Penny Andrews, our project consultant. The aim of the day was to assess the progress of the various project work packages and to plan next steps. Here follows a brief summary of our discussions.


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Date tagged:

07/09/2018, 11:24

Date published:

07/09/2018, 07:24