Access to and preservation of scientific information in Europe - EU Law and Publications

acavaminombre's bookmarks 2018-07-09


"This report consolidates and presents the information reported by Member States regarding their progress in implementing the 2012 Recommendation on open access to and preservation of scientific information, based on a questionnaire answered in the first half of 2017 for the period 2014-2016. Member States have assessed the Recommendation as a valuable and impactful instrument for the promotion of policies on open access to and preservation of scientific information at the European and national level. The report shows that the majority of the countries have adopted, are implementing, or currently discussing policies for open access to publications at the national level and mostly reports an improved situation as compared to the previous period. Variable levels of progress are observed regarding policies for research data across Member States, funders and institutions, while data management plans and FAIR data appear to be part of policy or strategy design. Significant progress can be seen in terms of the e-infrastructures supporting access to and preservation of scientific information, relevant policies and strategies at the national and institutional level, as well as participation in EU-funded initiatives for interoperability and common standards. More work appears to be required in the areas of copyright for the benefit of research and researchers, skills and rewards, monitoring open access and preservation. Finally, issues of VAT and transparency on journal subscriptions and 'big deals' are matters of concern for Member States."


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Date tagged:

07/09/2018, 12:46

Date published:

07/09/2018, 08:46